
Unknowable Minds: Philosophical Insights on AI and Autonomous Weapons by Mark Bailey

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MWSA Review Pending


Author's Synopsis

Imagine that in the cold heart of a secret military facility, a new form of intelligence awakens. It is a synthetic mind born from intricate algorithms and complex computations, operating in ways unfathomable to its human creators. Charged with safeguarding national security, this intelligence orchestrates strategies that defy human ethics and laws of war, leaving its creators both awed and unnerved. Unknowable Minds delves into the unsettling reality of entrusting our safety to an intelligence that lacks human essence. As we navigate the Age of Artificial Intelligence, these systems - powering everything from our smartphones to military defenses - remain inherently opaque and unpredictable. The book explores how AI differs from any technology we've ever developed, its inherent complexities, and the profound risks it poses to our future. Drawing on philosophy, AI theory, and national security insights, this book offers a thought-provoking examination of AI's potential and peril. From the complexities of neural networks to the unpredictable nature of emergent behaviors, Unknowable Minds challenges us to rethink our relationship with AI and its role in the theater of global security. Can we control an unknowable intellect, or will it redefine human existence? As we stand on the precipice of unprecedented technological advancement, understanding and navigating the unknowable minds of artificial intelligences become a quest fraught with extraordinary challenges and existential questions.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference

Number of Pages: 236

Word Count: 50,000

Revive the American Dream by Edward Corcoran

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MWSA Review

This outstanding book sheds great light on, and provokes deep thought about, our American Dream. The book provides a “comprehensive assessment of the totality of threats and challenges facing the nation and how we address them” (p. xix) if we want to rebuild and strengthen what is now a torn and tattered American Dream.

The author provides a fully detailed and referenced review of four major challenges and threats to our nation and its dream of “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” expressed in the U.S. Constitution. These include: 1) Natural Threats (e.g., earthquakes, global warming, pandemics); 2) Domestic Challenges (e.g., threats to life, personal liberties, democratic dysfunction); 3) Global competition (e.g., globalization, terrorism, China, Islam); and 4) National Strategy (e.g., fix America first, realign foreign policy, and develop and implement strategies).

The book is professionally organized, well written, and highly detailed and referenced. In this regard, the book reflects the knowledge, skills, and professional capabilities and experiences of its author, Edward Corcoran, a retired U.S. Army officer with extensive experience in the Army Soviet Affairs Program, military intelligence, and nuclear affairs. His service took him to tours in Germany, South Korea, and Vietnam. He concluded his career as a strategic analyst at the U.S. Army War College.

The book is rich with facts and details, which bring to life four threatening issues and corresponding recommendations for action. Perhaps the most important point: We’re running out of time to refresh and rebuild our fading American Dream.

I highly recommend this excellent, thought-provoking work.

Review by Bruce K. Berger (March 2025)


Author's Synopsis

America has been a Beacon of Freedom to many, yet today it fails to live up to its credo, “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.” The American Dream that working hard would lead to a good life has faded for many who now struggle for affordable healthcare and housing, higher education, and a living wage. Efforts to promote a more democratic and prosperous nation are thwarted by an economic system that favors the top levels. Society is wracked with racial and political unrest that has resulted in violence even in the sacred halls of its Capital. Globally, America has moved past the Cold War threats of the Soviet Union. Those we now face are more diffuse and in many ways more dangerous-Islamic radicalism, a rise of autocratic governments, fragmenting alliances, global refugee flows, expanding military technologies, cyber intrusions, and global warming. A National Strategy is badly needed to provide a comprehensive assessment of these challenges and to balance the allocation of resources to revive the American Dream. That is the focus of this book.

Format(s) for review: Paper or Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference

Number of Pages: 247

Word Count: 74,051

The Tall Poppy Syndrome - The Joy of Cutting Others Down by Douglas Garland

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MWSA Review

The Tall Poppy Syndrome is a thoroughly researched and comprehensive look at the phenomenon many people call "schadenfreude." The author has provided exhaustive background research dating back thousands of years and illustrating well-known events and historical characters to illustrate how others have cut them down at the peak of their success. HIs examples range from esteemed political and military leaders, to civil rights icons, entertainers, and a few well-known scoundrels. I found the example of the Hatfield-McCoy feud particularly interesting, and readers with interests in almost any era from the past several millennia will likely find something to pique their interest.

Review by Frank Biggio (April 2024)

Author's Synopsis

The Tall Poppy Syndrome (TPS) is a metaphor describing seeing a field of poppies and cutting down the tall ones so that all are equal. This traditional definition applies to someone who is of distinction and is cut down by an envious person. This syndrome is not well known in America. A hypothesis was our individualism prevented it. The author found examples in most parts of the world in all periods. After his world review, the author concluded that TPS was prevalent in America but unrecognized. 

The author dissects TPS into cutters and cuttees. He describes the vices found in cutters who cut people down. He also describes vices in tall poppies which justified their being cut down. By doing this the viewer can determine who is the guilty person. It also allows self-reflection and self-awareness of the reader. 

The author also divides TPS into peer-to-peer and public. Peer-to-peer TPS involves one's tribe and is driven by envy. It includes families, schools, neighborhoods, and workplaces. These people are common folk and need not be tall. Public TPS involves true tall poppies and are justifiably cut down for their egregious behavior.  

The book is a world history lesson viewed through the TPS lens. Readers will understand the bad behavior, both of cutter and cuttee, which drives TPS. With the new behavioral understanding, the reader improves his self-awareness through reflection.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference

Number of Pages: 318

Word Count: 100,000

Conduct in War, A Guide for the Ethical Warrior by David B. Land

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MWSA Review

In Conduct in War, author David B. Land, has given us a critical review of current published war fighting policies and the law of armed conflict. A combat veteran himself, the author witnessed the practical realities of warfare. He applauds and understands the high standards set by national leaders and legal experts, but also acknowledges the serious discrepancies between the ideal and the real. Author Land does not advocate any radical revisions. Rather, he points out several examples where the "rules" of war, if followed, could result in the death of many of our soldiers and the failure to achieve critical objectives. Furthermore, these rules usually turn good young soldiers into "war criminals" for taking steps to save their troops and accomplish the mission. Not all readers will agree with his positions, but they are most worthy of consideration by military and government leaders at all levels. Although like any manual, Conduct in War is a long and sometimes tedious read, I recommend it be considered as required reading at our services Command and Staff level schools.

Review by Bob Doerr (March 2023)

 Author's Synopsis

Conduct in War, A Guide for the Ethical Warrior (the “Manual”) is a redrafting of the law of war and U.S. military manuals as an unofficial, unauthorized guide for combatants as to responsible, ethical conduct in war. Active-duty military, veterans, lawyers, and those with no legal or military background contributed to that found in its pages.

Unlike official manuals which tend to require full compliance with the formal law of war, this Manual recognizes that an action which violates the law as written may be morally and operationally permissible if it might better achieve the purposes for which the law was established.

The Manual is not intended to be an all-encompassing scholarly or legal reference work or textbook. It should not be considered legal advice or opinion provided by an attorney. It simply reflects the beliefs of one combat soldier based on his experiences, readings, training, education, conversations, and reflections.

Nonetheless, that outlined in the Manual is conduct a combatant has a moral and operational right to at least consider—and then possibly follow. Hopefully, it will provide combatants a basic understanding of the law and how, when making decisions, they might at times deviate from it and be aware of the possible legal risks of doing so.

While the Manual often differs materially from FM 27-10 (The Law of Land Warfare), FM 6-27 (The Commander’s Handbook on the Law of Land Warfare), the DOD Law of War Manual, and the Operational Law Handbook, generally this is not due to their professional or legal shortcomings. Rather this Manual’s purpose is different. Official manuals delineate that required under the formal law of war based on U.S. interpretations and policy. This Manual presents that which may better reflect how ethical combatants might believe the law, policy, and regulations should be written.

The Manual is not ideal as a quick reference for combat commanders and NCOs given its length; blend of international law, U.S. policy, and positions of the Manual; and commentary as to differences. Yet, its positions are believed to be more relevant for combatants than other manuals and texts now available.

Format(s) for review: Paper Only

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference

Number of Pages: 427

Word Count: 218,000

On 21st Century Nuclear Deterrence by Joe Buff

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MWSA Review
A thoroughly dog-eared copy of Joe Buff’s On 21st Century Nuclear Deterrence deserves a spot on the bookshelves of policy advisors and strategic thinkers. Buff tackles and confronts the complex and highly-nuanced planning that goes into maintaining an effective nuclear deterrence strategy using the sea-air-land triad. Buff writes with a balanced approach that will be appreciated by readers of varying interest and experience in the subject, offering useful anecdotes, historical insights, and subtle wit throughout his book. He faces a touchy subject that many are unwilling or reluctant to address: that among the myriad issues facing the world in the first quarter of the 21st century, there are still a tremendous number of nuclear weapons out there, and while rational powers can surely agree that their use would have catastrophic consequences, we must indeed contend with the fact that they exist…and might end up in the wrong hands.

Buff writes with enthusiasm and earnestness, and his professional role as an actuarial comes out frequently in the mathematical calculations he provides to support his views. He also has a frank and honest approach to writing about a subject that gets too little attention in superpower struggles today in jargon-free prose. I was particularly drawn to the subject of nuclear weapons getting into the hands of terrorists and rogue powers which may not have a rational, game-theory approach to their decision making. It’s a chilling scenario to ponder, and Buff’s book should be a key reference for both US and global policy makers on this important topic.

Review by Frank Biggio (June 2021)

Author's Synopsis
A readable, engaging (and reassuring) look at how Americans, and all of Humanity, will benefit tremendously if we do sustain and modernize US Strategic Command's rightsized nuclear deterrence Triad: We'll continue to prevent nuclear war, big conventional war between superpowers, nuclear blackmail by rogue states, and achieve our global counter-proliferation and nuclear counter-terrorism goals, while also deterring strategic attacks by biological or chemical weapons or other weapons of mass destruction. This series offers a logically rigorous framework, crisply and clearly explained, for successful U.S. national defense and global peacekeeping during the current era of rising Great Power Competition. Volume 1 vividly debunks many common myths about America's nukes -- some of them spread by Hollywood storytellers and some by foreign adversary disinformation trolls.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1736391006 B08XKDJHPX

Book Format(s): Soft cover, Epub/Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference

Number of Pages: 416

Tiffany Studios Buying Guide by Allen Tiffany

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MWSA Review
Tiffany Studios Buying Guide is not your typical reference book where a seller or buyer of an item can look up prices. Rather, it is a handy reference for those interested in evaluating the authenticity and quality of items created by Tiffany Studios, Tiffany Furnaces, and Favrile art glass objects.

With many annotated color photographs, the author helps the reader distinguish between pieces in excellent condition and those that are damaged. He deftly demonstrates, through text and photos, where damage is likely to occur and where it exists and might be not so obvious. In addition, Mr. Tiffany (yes, he is related to the Tiffany family), has spent many years in his mother’s antique shop where he learned much about what to look for when trading in Tiffany ware.

He offers and demonstrates practical ideas for how to use today’s auction sites (such as e-Bay, among others) to get an idea of the selling price for specific pieces of Tiffany. Mr. Tiffany wisely cautions against using the asking price for an item as a guide for determining value. Instead, he shows the reader, through screenshots, how to find the actual selling price of a specific piece on auction sites. As with any purchase, sometimes buyers are not satisfied with what they bought. The author offers practical suggestions for addressing this problem and getting a refund.

The bibliography provides essential references for anyone buying or selling Tiffany lamps, art glass, desk sets, and bronzes. The author writes a synopsis for each book he recommends. If you are interested in buying or selling the Tiffany items referenced in this book, add the Tiffany Studios Buying Guide to your bookshelf. Better yet, keep the book next to your computer.

Review by Patricia Walkow (March 2021)

Author's Synopsis
Antique Tiffany Studios, Tiffany Furnaces, and Tiffany Favrile glass are some of the most popular pieces on eBay and other online auction sites. They are gorgeous and often as presented, but sometimes damage - both subtle and severe - may not be explicitly called out or obvious from photos. Focused on the "Etched Metal and Glass" desk sets and more common Favrile art objects, this detailed and lavishly illustrated buying guide will teach you how to look for hidden damage so you don't overpay hundreds of dollars. Additional chapters include an overview of how to buy and sell Tiffany for a profit, and what to do if you are the victim of fraud when buying antiques, and an extensive review of more than 15 Tiffany references. Allen is distantly related to Louis Comfort Tiffany and has long prized his art. As a teenager, he worked in his mother's antique store and spent many weekends at estate sales, auctions, and the occasional antique show learning the trade and how to spot the treasures and pieces that would have been treasures were it not for damage.


Book Format(s): Soft cover

Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference

Number of Pages: 227

Spycraft: Essentials by Bayard and Holmes

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MWSA Review

For nearly six decades Mad Magazine featured “Spy V. Spy” as a popular feature. Piper Bayard and Jay Holmes bring these fictional antics into real life. As a source for spy novel writers, Spycraft: Essentials, reveals the not so humorous, but “real stuff” antics of spying. Backgrounds on various intelligence agencies and their interactions, along with insider-revealed unknowns are divulged. Knowledge from an experienced operative with over forty years inside is shared (but not the spy-writer’s real name) in this 276-page book. Revealed are tradecraft techniques; information about who spies and spooks are as people; the life they may lead depending on their roles and tools of the trade; and how they live (or die) in some incredibly special circumstances.

Writers wanting help with their characters and actions—even including details on weapons and their use—may want to refer to this book. Sidebars include: Conflict Alert, Side Notes, Bottom Line, Writing Tips, Pro Tips, and astute quotes by co-author, Jay Holmes. One of the two Mad Magazine cartoon characters, according to the authors’ definition, would appropriately be called a “spook.” The spook, of course, being on the good side. Spycraft: Essentials is an interesting read, churning ideas in the espionage-genre writer’s mind for their next (or first) spy story.

Review by Tom Beard (May 2020)

Author's Synopsis

What do the main intelligence agencies do and where do they operate? How do they recruit personnel? What are real life honey pots and sleeper agents? What about truth serums and enhanced interrogations? And what are the most common foibles of popular spy fiction?

With the voice of over forty years of experience in the Intelligence Community, Bayard & Holmes answer these questions and share information on espionage history, firearms of spycraft, tradecraft techniques, and the personalities and personal challenges of the men and women behind the myths.

Though crafted with advice and specific tips for writers, Spycraft: Essentials is for anyone who wants to learn more about the inner workings of the Shadow World.

“Bayard & Holmes have done readers and writers of the espionage genre a great service. . . . From novices to experts, I suspect everyone will find something in this book that they did not know before.”

~ Doug Patteson
Film Technical Advisor and Former CIA Operations Officer

"Bayard and Holmes have done the unprecedented: crafted a fully informative, while wholly unclassified, overview on American spycraft with a special focus on preparing novelists for realistic scene writing. Spycraft: Essentials delivers solid, valuable information as a comprehensive primer on how the Intelligence Community really operates. It is a must-read for all involved Americans."

~ Rob DuBois
Retired US Navy SEAL and NSA Collector

“As a writer, I’m always looking for those books that open my eyes to the shadowy ways the world truly works. I found just such a resource in the insightful, well-researched, and oftentimes humorous book by Bayard and Holmes, Spycraft: Essentials. For any author, this is the new bible for crafting stories of espionage. It’s also perfect for anyone who wants to know the lengths nations will go to keep or steal secrets and the methods they will use to do so. This is a bombshell of a book.”

~ James Rollins
New York Times Bestselling Author of The Last Odyssey

ISBN/ASIN: 978-0991569212, 978-0991569250
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle, ePub/iBook
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 300

African American Women Warrant Officers - The New Trailblazers by Farrell Chiles

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MWSA Review
African American Women Warrant Officers shows a fascinating aspect of the modern military. A collection of biographies, the individual stories document how much has changed over the last 70 years, in general and for African American women in particular. The various paths these women took to find and follow their military careers was interesting to ponder. Their wide-ranging accomplishments, despite or because of serious obstacles, were at times astounding. The author/editor did a great service in gathering these inspiring stories.

The book is primarily a collection, with each biography provided by the Warrant Officers themselves, the military, or family (in the case of the deceased). The uneven quality of writing that results is understandable. Unfortunately, the inconsistency in punctuation, spelling and format at times interfered with reading. The photos are also collected from a variety of sources, and some were distorted in layout.

Anyone interested in the changing culture pioneered by these vitally-important members of our nation's military will be interested in the stories in this book.

 Review by Barb Evenson (March 2020)

Author's Synopsis

African American Women Warrant Officers The New Trailblazers pays tribute to women who have served in the military as Warrant Officers. These unique women have made tremendous contributions to our country and continue to achieve excellence in their careers. This book highlights their contributions and shares HerStories and accomplishments. Whether in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard or Reserves, each biographical profile reflects the outstanding leadership exhibited by these trailblazing women. There is a ancient African proverb that says, "Until the Lions have their own historians, then the hunt will always glorify the hunter". African American Women Warrant Officers are ensuring that history includes them by telling HerStories. These African American Women Warrant Officers did not hesitate to provide their biographies. Thus, this book is the first chapter of many more books to come. Until HerStory is told, history is incomplete.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-64718-008-9
Book Format(s): Hard cover
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 280

Military Spouses with Graduate Degrees: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Thriving amidst Uncertainty by Leandra Hernandez and Jennifer N. Belding (co-editor)

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MWSA Review

They tell us that in order to become successful in life, all you need to do is see a need and fill it. Well, if that was applied to this book it could be a huge success in the military communities. I found myself truly educated. I was ignorantly unaware of the depth of the issues that our military spouses have to deal with.

The title does not give the proper seriousness of the problem, nor does it sound like a book you might wish to pick up and read. However, once I began reading all the personal stories from real people, it caught my attention. It became really clear that these spouses are making some huge personal sacrifices in their careers, lives, social status, educational opportunities, and even with their personal mental and emotional well being.

The book should be a must-read for colleges and universities that deal with military families. It should also be required reading for those in command positions at our nation's bases and forts, so that they have a better and clearer understanding of the true impact on families from deployments and moves.

The most important audience for this book is with the very people it was directly written for: military spouses themselves. The very same kind of people who shared their personal experiences between the covers of this book. This book truly has their DNA imprinted on the pages.

The editors take a resource book with data and information and make it very readable and understandable by adding so many different voices and viewpoints presented. I enjoyed reading the personal stories of sacrifice and supportive duty. The book presents the obstacles and the problems but also offers some practical wisdom to handling things, as passed on by the contributing co-creators of this book.

Every military spouse should have access to this book and read it. I believe this book has a mission and purpose. I salute the editors for putting this all together in this volume.

Review by Bill McDonald (July 2019)

Author's Synopsis

With contributors in the fields of communication, psychology, English, law, and others, Military Spouses with Graduate Degrees: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Thriving amidst Uncertainty utilizes interdisciplinary theories, methods, and approaches to study the educational and career experiences of military spouses with advanced degrees. The contributors to this volume analyze the challenges, struggles, and positive aspects of being a military spouse with an advanced degree in both academic and professional contexts. The chapters cover chronological approaches to academic and military identities; academic, professional, and military challenges; and strategies for enhancing academic, military, and professional life. This book expands upon the unique challenges military spouses encounter while in graduate school and while transitioning out of graduate programs into academic and professional contexts. It provides a new resource for military spouses, as well as military and academic researchers, scholars, and practitioners.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-4985-8208-7, 978-1-4985-8209-4
Book Format(s): Hard cover, Kindle
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 267 

Seasons Of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers by Amanda Trimillos and Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman

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MWSA Review

Amanda Trimillos and Stacy Allsbrook-Huisman, Air Force wives and experts in the professional development of teachers working with military-connected students, described the Seasons of Transition™ approach to empower parents and teachers to help children face the challenges of military life. Their guidebook, Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers, offers a lens into the world through the military child’s eyes, making sense of what military children say and do, and provides parents and teachers pragmatic and innovative ways to help these children thrive in their ever-changing environment. Their writing breaks down complicated psychological concepts, making them easy to read and comprehend, allowing for easy implementation. The book is comprised of a unique blend of research, evidence-based practices and proven techniques, and personal accounts from parents and educators. It’s a must-have, how-to manual for new parents, caregivers or teachers of military-connected children, and a refresher course with updated, modernized ideas for seasoned parents and teachers who want to bolster their repertoire of strategies and systems to help their children and students achieve success. I think this book should be given out to all new arrivals at every military installation.

Review by Kris Patterson (April 2019)

Author's Synopsis

 Military kids face a constant cycle of challenges, like a parent’s deployment or moving to a new home. Changing schools means more than making new friends again. New curriculum and graduation requirements, lack of history with coaches and teachers, unfamiliar classroom environments, and other changes make it hard for military kids of all ages to stay on track from grade to grade and school to school. Seasons of My Military Student: Practical Ideas for Parents and Teachers is a guidebook to help parents and educators work together to support military-connected students as they experience moves, deployments, and other challenges of military life, from kindergarten to high school graduation. Through research, professional experience, and first-hand perspectives from military families and educators, the authors of Seasons of My Military Student provide insights and strategies to support military-connected students. With these tools, parents and educators can work together to cultivate resilience and continuity for their students in any circumstance of military life. In clear, easy-to-follow steps, this book provides: Tools to help kids through transitions Guidance for parent-teacher communication Tips for keeping up with student records Activities for home and classroom

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-934617-42-7
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 111

African American Warrant Officers - Their Remarkable History by Farrell Chiles

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MWSA Review

The handsome red, white and blue cover of Farrell J. Chiles’ “African American Warrant Officers: Their Remarkable History,” promises stories of achievements and contributions of the too-long-unacknowledged men and women who have served as warrant officers of the United State Army—those men and women, that is, who administer, manage, maintain, operate and integrate “Army systems and equipment across the full spectrum of Army operations.”  A companion volume to Chiles’s earlier collection, “African American Warrant Officers: In Service to Our Country,” this volume honors the centennial of the Army Warrant Officer Corps by presenting individual vignettes of one hundred African American warrant officers. Chiles has compiled these profiles from a variety of sources, some submitted by individual authors, many written and published by Chiles himself in official newsletters such as the “Rocket” and the USAWOA (United States Army Warrant Officers Association) “Newsliner.”

Chiles opens the book with a short chapter defining Warrant Officer (“an adaptive technical expert, combat leader, trainer, and advisor”) and explaining the different grade, ranks and education system for warrant officers. This is followed by a brief overview of the one hundred year history of the Warrant Officers Cohort, established by Act of Congress on 9 July 1918. The main chapters of individual profiles are then grouped by information source such as newsletters, obituaries and Chiles’ earlier collection, “African American Warrant Officers: In Service to Our Country.”  Each vignette includes the accomplishments and awards of individual warrant officers along with one to three photographs, and many include personal anecdotes and quotations that provide fascinating glimpses into the warrant officers’ lives.
 “African American Warrant Officers: Their Remarkable History” is a handy research guide that offers a series of individual histories rather than the broader history of African American contributions to the Warrant Officer Cohort that the title seems to promise. For his dogged research, writing and publication over the years, we owe a debt of gratitude to Farrell J. Chiles.  His work provides the inspiring first steps needed in illuminating the remarkable history of African American serving their country as warrant officers in the U. S. Army.

MWSA Review by Nancy Arbuthnot (August 2018)

Author's Synopsis

African American Warrant Officers - Their Remarkable History is a compilation of articles, biographies, and stories about African Americans who served or are serving in the United States Army Warrant Officers Corps. The book is in conjunction with the 100th Anniversary of the Warrant Officers Corps (1918-2018). There is an African proverb that says "Until the lions have their own historians, the history of the hunt will always glorify the hunter." This historical book tells the history of African American Army Warrant Officers. Their history is rich and their achievements and contributions to the United States and the United States Army are remarkable. This book allows African American Army Warrant Officers to tell their stories.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-63263-785-7
Book Format(s): Hard cover, ePub/iBook
Genre(s): History, Biography, Reference
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 258

The Wicked Problem of Cultural Heritage and Conflict by Christopher Herndon and Joris Kila

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MWSA Review

Though only 134 pages long, "The Wicked Problem of Cultural Heritage and Conflict" is a surprisingly thorough examination of the reasons behind the destruction of culturally significant sites, artifacts, and living creatures in times of conflict and of the institutions and laws in place. The authors provide not only numerous examples, but also identify relevant institutions and international laws devoted to protecting them. They also examine the diverse motivations behind the devastation of looting, trafficking, and outright destruction, and how even the language used to describe such incidents has evolved and become a point of contention. The many recent examples mentioned in the book highlight the scope of the problem and how urgent is to find solutions to solve it. "The Wicked Problem of Cultural Heritage and Conflict" is a good primer for someone looking to better understand this international tragedy.

Review by Dwight Zimmerman (July 2018)

Author's Synopsis

The Wicked Problem of Cultural Heritage and Conflict: Military involvement in the protection and devastation of Cultural Property.

The world’s cultural heritage is currently not only threatened by time, nature, and human development and also increasingly by armed conflicts. We see destructions caused by looting and illicit traffic but also iconoclasm and manipulations of cultural heritage for political, religious, economic, and propaganda reasons. Revenues derived from the illegal selling are often used to finance conflicts as illustrated in the Da’esh business model example in this publication. Cultural Property Protection (CPP), while legally mandatory under national and international law, are poorly implemented and sanctions are rarely enforced. There is however, a constant and international demand for education and outcomes of multidisciplinary research on the topic, especially in the context of conflict and crime.

Research must include military perspectives, and common mechanisms connected to abuse and protection. Outcomes should contain academic conceptualization, as well as practice based solutions to diminish and mitigate damage. To meet demands while expanding, and following up on their previous works, the authors wrote this publication. It contains a selection of case examples and incorporates recent developments and trends. All ingredients serve to feed research and dialogue about the use and abuse of cultural heritage especially in the event of conflict, with a focus on cooperation and coordination between civil stakeholders and military parties.

A selection of identified fundamental CPP problems is discussed as part of a comparative analysis with field examples such as the Dugong case, an illustration of overlap between cultural and natural heritage coined as hybrid heritage. Other cases include events in Libya, Estonia, Iraq, Syria, Turkey and Mali. All are weighed against Horst Rittel’s wicked problems theory and other concepts while involving new notions of securitization, politicization, memorialization and propagandization of cultural property. Last but not least, the authors signal within circles of IO’s, NGO’s and Governmental parties involved in the management and protection of heritage, an increase of bureaucratic behavior and political use of mankind’s cultural heritage contributing to the current deplorable situation.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-0-9994932-1-2, 978-0-9994932-2-9, 978-0-9994932-0-5
Book Format(s): Hard cover, Soft cover, Kindle, ePub/iBook
Genre(s): Nonfiction, Creative Nonfiction, Reference
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 134

Project Management in History: The First Jeep by Paul Bruno

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MWSA Review

In Project Management in History: The First Jeep Bruno presents a detailed, technical manual on the people, history, policies, nuts and bolts that evolved to ultimately create the jeep that became famous in WWII. 

With roots of the story beginning before WWI, this jeep evolution is well documented with all the players and places that contributed to the final product that went into play in 1941.  With Roadster beginnings, the jeep ultimate replaced the mule as the Army’s light vehicle of choice, and the author writes to the entrepreneur so that they can taste the flavor of the management/development process.  Sharp historical pictures and illustrations are featured, and everything is foot noted, referenced, and indexed.  Recommended for the student who likes to dig deeply and learn all the facts.

Reviewed by: Hodge Wood (2015)

Author's Synopsis

The spring and summer of 1940 witnessed the resounding defeats of the French army and British Expeditionary Force at the hands of modernized German troops, designed to take advantage of the latest advances in technology. These included mobile vehicles and tanks used in formation to blast through enemy lines, as well as combined ground and air tactics. The evacuation of the British from Dunkirk and the final defeat of their French allies in June 1940 left only a thin line of English fighter planes between that island nation and total defeat.

Meanwhile, leaders of the United States Army, decimated by demobilization after World War I and budget cuts during the Great Depression, knew they were completely unprepared for this new type of mobile warfare called “blitzkrieg,” a German term meaning “lightning war.” Though experts in the U.S. Army had worked from the end of World War I to develop a combination light weapons carrier and command and reconnaissance vehicle, no perfect model had yet been developed by 1940. In June of that same year, the Army compiled a list of requirements for a revolutionary new truck to replace the mule as the Army’s primary method of moving troops and small payloads.

“Project Management in History: The First Jeep” tells the story of the American Bantam Car Company, which dared to meet the challenge to build the prototype in the impossible timeframe of 49 days. The “¼ ton truck 4×4 light project,” as the effort was titled by the Army, represents a textbook case of entrepreneurship and project management that holds lessons for today’s business leaders and project managers. Contemporary leaders face a similar environment of rapidly changing technology, volatile economic circumstances and turbulent international relations, forces that assailed the U.S. Army throughout the interwar period.


Warfilms: An Overview of Motion Pictures Within Military Record Groups by Philip W. Stewart

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MWSA Review
WARFILMS is a reference book that would aid a researcher in finding by year, subject, and  service branch films produced for training and historical reference for all to see.  

From basically the start of the 20th century to present, our armed services have produced films to educate and further the historical understanding of what has transpired over time in the US Armed Forces.

With this vast array of old and new footage one can get lost in a myriad of film which for most of us is out of sight and out of mind.  In studying such footage historians learn of what has transpired. In fact much of the footage has come to good use in programs produced on the History Channel and the Military History Channel.  Some of the footage winds up in current Cinematic renderings and TV specials.

The quality of much of this footage is well kept and maintained by the Special Media Services Division located at Archives II in College Park, Maryland.  The rest are housed in the National Archives’ Presidential Libraries located around the country.

Mr. Stewart provides us with a general reference as an overview of Motions Picture within Military Record Groups held in the U.S. National Archives.

Reviewed by: Richard Geschke (2015)

Author's Synopsis

"WARFILMS: An Overview of Motion Pictures Within Military Record Groups Held in the U.S. National Archives" is a synopsis of the 119,000-plus reels of historic motion picture film produced, acquired, or captured by twentieth century American armed forces that are located within the 35 military Record Groups at the United States National Archives and Records Administration facility in College Park, Maryland. While WARFILMS does not try to list all military films in the National Archives, it does identify and describe over 350 of them for review. The goal is to pique the readers' interest so that they will explore the additional thousands of historic military titles on their own. Basic guidance is provided as how to do that.


A Muslim, the Quran and Jesus the Son of Mary – A Palestinians Journey from the Crescent to the Cross by Akef Tayem

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MWSA Review

A Muslim’s Conversion to Christianity - His Reasons Why Some people will find author Akef Tayem’s outlook on the differences and historic foundations of the three great religions (Christianity, Islam and the Jewish faiths) rather unique and thought provoking. His book “A Muslim The Quran And Jesus The Son of Mary” (Subtitled : A Palestinians Journey from the Crescent to the Cross) is like nothing else out there in religious books. His comments and thoughts are the kind of thing that could put his own life at risk with certain groups in many places around the globe. He shows some courage in exploring the questions that he does in his book.
His thinking and explorations of the holy texts from all three religions have caused him to rethink some of the fundamental things about his own historic spiritual roots. The book is full of references and notes to explain his thought process as he takes you along on an educational tour of his former Muslim beliefs and how he has evolved and became a Christian.
This book is very scholarly written and the author does a good job of educating the reader and presenting his views. He is full of passion and energy as he tackles what he sees as fabricated stories and mistaken beliefs about the missing Gospel that Jesus was given.
This book will give the reader a better understanding of not only the differences between the religions but also an awareness that they are all from the same basic foundation. This is not a book that would be considered light reading but if you had the time and were looking for more understanding about what is going on in the world today based on what people are being taught and what they are lead to believe.

Reviewer: W. H. McDonald, Jr.

Author's Synopsis


Bradley vs. BMP: Desert Storm 1991 by Mike Guardia

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MWSA Review

Mike Guardia’s “Bradley vs BMP: Desert Storm 1991” does an excellent job comparing two of the world’s most well-known Infantry Fighting Vehicles during their first major conflict against each other.

The author organized the book well, comparing attributes such as mobility, protection, and firepower in short, easy to understand paragraphs.  In some cases the comparison was augmented with side by side looks at the interior of the vehicle, or the optics each crew had at their disposal.

I especially enjoyed how after the technical comparison of the vehicles, the author launched extensively into the more human side, detailing how the training of the US vehicle crews allowed them to better use the strengths of their vehicles (and diminish its shortcomings), while the Iraqi crews struggled due to lack of training and education.  Guardia used this as a platform to discuss the benefits of a professional, all-volunteer force over a mostly conscripted army.

I also appreciated how the author talked about the actual combat between the vehicles by using extensive quotes from the men that fought the battle.  Especially interesting was that virtually all the commentary was from junior officers and NCO’s; this made the combat coverage of the book much more realistic.

A well-researched yet easy read, this book will appeal to armor enthusiasts, Desert Storm vets, and professional military officers who enjoy the study of modern warfare.

MWSA Review by Rob Ballister (March 2018)

Author's Synopsis

In the mid-1960s, the Soviet Union unveiled the BMP, the first true infantry fighting vehicle. A revolutionary design, the BMP marked a significant departure from the traditional armoured personnel carrier, with a lower silhouette and heavier armament than rival APCs. One of the most fearsome light-armoured vehicles of its day, it caused great consternation on the other side of the Iron Curtain as the Americans scrambled to design a machine to rival the BMP. The result was the M2/M3 Bradley.

These Cold War icons first clashed – not on the plains of Europe, but in southern Iraq during the Gulf War of 1991. Featuring specially commissioned full-colour artwork, this is the absorbing story of the origins, development and combat performance of the BMP and Bradley, culminating in the bloody battles of the Gulf War.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1472815200
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Nonfiction, History, Reference
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 80

America's Film Vault by Phillip W. Stewart

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MWSA Review

An indispensible reference tool for the serious film researcher! Try doing a search for a specific film housed in the US National Archives using the Archive's online database: the ARC -- Archival Research Catalog (found on  You might find what you're looking for; but you won't find things so thoughtfully organized and cross-referenced as you will in Philip Stewart's new book, America's Film Vault.  

In the book's introduction, the novice film researcher, producer, or student will benefit from Stewart's overview of the Archives' holdings, the different sources of those holdings, how they're organized, and a short-but-fascinating look into the history of each basic category of film: civilian, military, and donated.

However, this book is not just for the beginner.  Expanding on the 1972 reference work of two Archives employees (which has not been updated since that time), America's Film Vault also belongs on the bookshelf of the seasoned veteran.  The book's handy and useful layout, which includes a thorough subject and title index, will facilitate the search/research/exploration of the experienced Archive sleuth as well.  

Perhaps best of all, Stewart's organization by resource group (RG) holdings, might just facilitate that unexpected discovery that takes one in a whole new direction!

Thumb through this book or spend a few minutes on Phil Stewart's website.  The reader can't help but notice that this third installment in his "Historic Footage Project" is--as the author admits--a labor of love. It's also a tremendously helpful and easy-to-use guide map to the film treasures waiting to be found and enjoyed in our nation's National Archives.

Reviewed by: John Cathcart (2009)

Author's Synopsis

AMERICA'S FILM VAULT: A Reference Guide to the Motion Pictures Held by the U.S. National Archives is the comprehensive new book by award-winning author and film-sleuth Phillip W. Stewart. Some of the best kept history secrets are buried deep within America's film vault. This essential reference guide unshrouds, for the first time in book form, the whereabouts of historic motion picture films preserved in the National Archives. 

This treasure trove includes over 360,000 film reels that document a century of American and world history. Unfortunately, relatively few people know that these historically significant films exist, and even fewer know how to find them. 

AMERICA'S FILM VAULT is an indispensable reference guide that discloses how these vintage films are organized and where to find them; exposes over 330 Government and Donated records that have motion pictures buried within them; uncovers and specifically identifies over 1,460 film titles and provides topical references to thousands more; and reveals-all with a comprehensive 2,130-plus subject index that sheds light on a vast variety of rare films. 

According to William T. Murphy, former Chief of the Motion Picture, Sound, and Video Branch of the National Archives, America's Film Vault is, "...a convenient overview of National Archives and Records Administration's motion picture holdings, one difficult to obtain from any other source." 

If you're ready to play detective, take a crack at the combination, and investigate the bowels of the vault, you need a guide map...and this is it! Discover "reel" treasures with AMERICA'S FILM VAULT. Check out the author's website ( for more information about this and his other books in The Historic Footage Project.

Grey Eminence by Edward Cox

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MWSA Review

Edward Cox needed to do a lot of research to accomplish writing Grey Eminence. I really respect him for that. He shares this in the book: “The dearth of information about Conner is not accidental. After a career that spanned four decades, this master strategist ordered all of his papers and journals burned. Because of this, most of what is known about Conner is oblique, as a passing reference in the memoirs of other great men.” Mr. Cox did a wonderful job of putting together this book based on Fox Conner’s mentorship of three famous men: George C. Marshall, Dwight (Ike) Eisenhower, and George Patton. We’ve all heard of these three men, but have we heard of Major General Fox Conner? I hadn’t, but I now know about this great soldier and leader and how he impacted the U.S. Army, WWII, and beyond.

Even though each of these three men (Marshall, Eisenhower, and Patton) had many influences on their military careers, they all attribute a lot of their success to their relationship with Fox Conner. He provided them with friendship and a father figure. He also was there to “provide advice, lend assistance, or call in a favor.” Marshall stated that he “owed his greatest debts to Conner.” Eisenhower felt that Conner “was the person who most shaped his career.” And Patton felt that Conner had a grasp of the art of war that was superior to his own. 

As a reader, I appreciated the fact that Mr. Cox let us in on glimpses of the family lives of these men. That helped me to maintain my interest in the book. I’ve never been one to read a lot of history books, but this one is well-balanced and wants to share with us that mentorship is critical, and the lives of those who have gone before us should be looked upon as models, just as Fox Conner was a model for developing strategic leaders. “Each of his protégés developed subordinates of their own who would go on to face new challenges during the Cold War, fighting once again in distant lands like Korea and Vietnam.” Edward Cox’s reason for writing this book seems to be that which he states in the last sentence of the book: “Today it is time for a new generation of leaders to learn from and follow Conner’s example, and to mentor future members of the profession of arms to lead the Army in the twenty-first century.”

Reviewed by: Joyce Gilmour (2011)

Author's Synopsis

To those who have heard of him, Fox Conner's name is synonymous with mentorship. He is the "grey eminence" within the Army whose influence helped to shape the careers of George Patton, George Marshall, and, most notably, President Eisenhower. What little is known about Conner comes primarily through stories about his relationship with Eisenhower, but little is known about Fox Conner himself. After a career that spanned four decades, this master strategist ordered all of his papers and journals burned. Because of this, most of what is known about Conner is oblique, as a passing reference in the memoirs of other great men. This book combines existing scholarship with long-forgotten references and unpublished original sources to achieve a more comprehensive picture of this dedicated public servant. The portrait that emerges provides a four-step model for developing strategic leaders that still holds true today. First and foremost, Conner was a master of his craft. Secondly, he recognized and recruited talented subordinates. Then he encouraged and challenged these protégés to develop their strengths and overcome their weaknesses. Finally he wasn't afraid to break the rules of the organization to do it. Here, for the first time ever, is the story of Major General Fox Conner.

Aerial Aces of the Universal Newsreel by Philip W. Stewart

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MWSA Review

Author Phillip Stewart gifts aviation buffs with a book that could cut through years of research for those seeking out rare motion picture footage of aircraft from 1929-1931. His book Aerial Aces of the Universal Newsreel: A Researcher's Guide to the Aviation Related Stories Released Nationally by Universal Pictures 1929-1931 catalogs for us more than just history through newsreels - he manages to capture the essence of that time and its people. 

Although the book will appeal to only a very small segment of potential readers, it will prove to be indispensable for historians and writers and those who are looking for film footage of aviation's golden years. The book also reproduces many great old photos of which few or any have been seen publicly in the last 8 decades. 

Maybe it is because I am an aviation buff or am someone who actually loves old newsreels - but this book was actually more fun to read then I had expected. It takes you on an emotional journey as your imagination kicks in with mental images that the words present. 

This book is a wonderful tool for researchers now and in the future. It needed to be written - it is an important asset. I am grateful that people like Phillip Stewart have given this so much of their own time to do this kind of work. There is certainly little to no money for these kinds of books - they have to be written as an act of love for history.

Reviewed by: Bill McDonald (2011)


Author's Synopsis

Aerial Aces of the Universal Newsreel is summed up best by its sub-title, "A Reference Guide to the Aviation Related Stories Released Nationally by Universal Pictures, 1929-1931." It’s a useful and practical resource guide to the aviation people, places and events of August 1929 through December 1931, as seen through the camera lens of the Universal Newspaper Newsreel, as the reel was known back then. 
Aerial Aces contains descriptions of 219 aviation-related stories released by Universal during that time period. Stories are listed in release order and each is identified with the title, reel number, event date, location, and length. Each story has a storyline based on the newsreel synopsis sheets, a description the moving images, a word-for-word copy of the original narration script, and production and historical information, as appropriate. 
The stories contained within Aerial Aces of the Universal Newsreel, provide a timeless reference to moving images of the aviation related activities covered during the first three years of the Universal Newspaper Newsreel. To see history as it actually happened is enlightening, instructive, and often rather dramatic. Too read about it is pretty cool too.

Henry Ford’s Moving Picture Show, by Phillip W. Stewart

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MWSA Review

This attractive & well-laid out reference book with a shot from a movie on each new chapter page is for researchers & the curious about an American's passion for this new medium & the beginnings of his Motion Picture Department.

The author explains in his Preface how during the research for his next book he came upon the Henry Ford's Moving Picture Show in the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA). After vainly searching the Internet & catalog card files he had to resort to the paper records, all 2700 pages stored in 30 three-ring binders. Having pored through the 3500+ titles to find the films about his subject, WWI, he decided to catalog  the library, identifying them in " alphabetical title index and a comprehensive subject index."

In his Introduction he offers the story of these film clips & some frames of reference re: listings & brief descriptions of this treasure trove of a million+ feet of black and white 35 millimeter celluloid film: "...100 feet of 35-mm film, shot at the standard silent speed rate of 16 frames-per-second, is equal to 1 minute and 39 seconds." p.xii.

Henry Ford thought everything was worth filming: from Helen Keller "seeing" his face to children in a bath tub with a cake of soap to army athletics to bears in the woods to ostrich farms to coal mining to African basket weaving. From Olympic skiers to a driver parking on the White House lawn to a trip to Santa Fe to his family and friends to cartoons to baseball to Yosemite Valley to lumber & date farms to camping trips to....

Reviewed by: Dave Brown (August 2011)

Author's Synopsis

This is the first volume of the HENRY FORD'S MOVING PICTURE SHOW: An Investigator's Guide to the Films Produced by the Ford Motor Company series. It focuses on the initial six years (1914-1920) of the Ford Motor Company motion picture collection that is held in the U.S. National Archives and identifies 935 films. To assist in your investigation of this historically significant film collection, two indexes are also provided--an alphabetical title index and a comprehensive subject index.

The Henry Ford's Moving Picture Show is a multi-book series of guides written to facilitate the public and professional use of the film footage in the Ford Motor Company Collection and to describe its contents in a way that has been, until now, unavailable. The volumes ultimately published under this title, catalog the surviving films produced or acquired by the Ford Motor Company between 1914 and 1954. When the U.S. National Archives accepted these historically significant films in 1963, it provided an all inclusive formal title of: Films Relating to the Ford Motor Company, the Henry Ford Family, Noted Personalities, Industry, and Numerous Americana and Other Subjects...and this pretty well sums up the visual content of the collection.

Altogether, the collection holds approximately 1.8 million feet of silent, black and white, 35-millimeter celluloid film. The main goal of Henry Ford's Moving Picture Show is to provide a useful and practical resource to the moving images of the world during the first half of the 20th Century, as seen through the camera lens of the Ford Motion Picture Department and its successor, the Ford Photographic Department. These films have superb historical value that stems from their very broad subject-matter coverage. Overall, the moving images contained in these films are truly Americana in motion.