Dispatches Submissions
General Instructions
Submission Guide | Style Guide | Sending Files
Contact Form
This page provides details and procedures for submitting articles and/or ads for publication in MWSA’s Dispatches magazine.
For Article or Advertising Submmissions
Submission Deadlines per issue
Spring (Jan-Mar): 15 March
Summer (Apr-Jun): 15 June
Fall (Jul-Sep): 15 September
Winter (Oct-Dec): 15 December
All Submissions — the basics
Please read our submission guidelines and style guide before submitting your work.
All MWSA members may submit articles, poetry, artwork, and short stories, while free ad spaces are reserved for dues paying and lifetime members.
Email us at dispatches@mwsa.co to submit any of the above mentioned work.
See the Documents and Images section below for more details about our requirements for formatting, image resolution, etc.
Although we accept email attachments of your files (formatted documents, digital photos, and images, etc.), you may find it easier to drag and drop your files using the Send File(s) section below.
Please refer to the submission and style guides below to familiarize yourself with our requirements.
MWSA members may submit ads for their books and/or services. We reserve a certain number of free ad spaces for our dues paying and lifetime members in each magazine issue. Ads must be camera-ready, in PDF or JPG format, copy edited, and in a readable font when sized for a digital magazine. For planning purposes, here are the dimensions for ads of different sizes:
• Full-page ad: 8.5 inches by 11 inches
• Half-page ad (horizontal): 7.5 inches by 4.5 inches
• Quarter-page ad: 3.75 inches by 4.5 inches
If you are a non-member and would like to pay for ad space, the following rates apply:
Full-page $200
Half-page $100
Quarter-page $50
All ads are now 50% off!
Discount will be applied in your shopping cart
Documents and Images
Formatting requirements for articles and ads.
Includes a "drag-and-drop" file transfer capability.
Formatting Requirements
Microsoft Word document or PDF
Ensure all documents submitted include the title and the author's name (i.e., A Good Story_Joan Smith.pdf)
If submitting images with a story, at the end of the document, please include the desired caption or captions and photo credit—i.e., Joan Smith graduating from boot camp in 2008. (Photo courtesy of the Smith family)
Please see our Style Guide for further details.
High-resolution images for the author's photo and all support images, with the exception of older images when not possible
Other images (book cover)
Please submit images with identifying information and author’s name (i.e., Boot camp_Joan Smith.jpg)
High-resolution images in JPG or PDF
Book ads require a camera-ready ad; MWSA does not have volunteer staff to create ads
For service ads, provide a photo, logo, all contact information, and a short description of the services provided
Please ensure ads are copy edited and are in a readable font when sized for a digital magazine
How to send us document and/or image files
Option 1 — include files as email attachments
Option 2 — use the drag-and-drop button to upload your files directly to our Dropbox account
Once you click on the button below, a new browser window will appear
On that page, you can drag and drop the required files and transmit them