African American Women Warrant Officers - The New Trailblazers by Farrell Chiles

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MWSA Review
African American Women Warrant Officers shows a fascinating aspect of the modern military. A collection of biographies, the individual stories document how much has changed over the last 70 years, in general and for African American women in particular. The various paths these women took to find and follow their military careers was interesting to ponder. Their wide-ranging accomplishments, despite or because of serious obstacles, were at times astounding. The author/editor did a great service in gathering these inspiring stories.

The book is primarily a collection, with each biography provided by the Warrant Officers themselves, the military, or family (in the case of the deceased). The uneven quality of writing that results is understandable. Unfortunately, the inconsistency in punctuation, spelling and format at times interfered with reading. The photos are also collected from a variety of sources, and some were distorted in layout.

Anyone interested in the changing culture pioneered by these vitally-important members of our nation's military will be interested in the stories in this book.

 Review by Barb Evenson (March 2020)

Author's Synopsis

African American Women Warrant Officers The New Trailblazers pays tribute to women who have served in the military as Warrant Officers. These unique women have made tremendous contributions to our country and continue to achieve excellence in their careers. This book highlights their contributions and shares HerStories and accomplishments. Whether in the Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, National Guard or Reserves, each biographical profile reflects the outstanding leadership exhibited by these trailblazing women. There is a ancient African proverb that says, "Until the Lions have their own historians, then the hunt will always glorify the hunter". African American Women Warrant Officers are ensuring that history includes them by telling HerStories. These African American Women Warrant Officers did not hesitate to provide their biographies. Thus, this book is the first chapter of many more books to come. Until HerStory is told, history is incomplete.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-64718-008-9
Book Format(s): Hard cover
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 280