
Healing Veteran Moral Injury: Using Metaphor and Story to Foster Hope and Connection by Pat Pernicano and Kerry Haynes

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MWSA Review Pending


Author's Synopsis

Healing Veteran Moral Injury highlights the importance of story and metaphor in the change process and in trauma-related work.

Grounded in evidence-based practice and replete with clear, down-to-earth examples that foster empathy and understanding, Healing Veteran Moral Injury illustrates the ways in which building a sense of community can help restore trust and meaning-making. Chapters illustrate the power of stories and metaphors and help Veterans identify strategies for healing moral injury and posttraumatic growth. Clinicians and Veterans will come away from this book with tools for building connections, accepting what they cannot change, and developing a more accurate perception of responsibility.

Healing Veteran Moral Injury is intended both for mental health professionals and Veterans themselves as a tool for breaking the silence, pointing other Veterans toward hope and healing, and telling stories of moral pain with fortitude and courage.

Format(s) for review: Paper & Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 202

Word Count: 73288

The Art of War Plus The Art of Politics: Strategy for Campaigns: Special 10th Anniversary Edition by Shawn R. Frost, Sun Tzu, Gary Gagliardi (translator)

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Author's Synopsis

A winning playbook ten years in the making!

Why did we write this book? After avoiding political involvement for decades, I got frustrated and had an axe to grind and needed a practical guide to winning in politics for non-political-science-majors. That book didn’t exist, so we wrote it.

We first published much of this book in 2014 before Shawn's SUCCESSFUL run for School Board. He defeated a two-term incumbent, named Disney, who was the President of the State School Board Association. When Frost beat Disney by almost 10 points, local journalist Russ Lemmon referred to it as a "Shocking" victory and spent several column inches of front page real estate speculating on how a first time candidate beat a powerhouse named Disney. We knew it boiled down to two words: Better Strategy.

Reasons to buy this book: You want to WIN

"All of Politics is Local, but the science of strategy (winning) is universal and timeless."- Political Sun Tzu™

You want to sharpen the most powerful weapon in any contest, the human mind.

If your opponent reads this book, and you don't, it's over for your campaign

You want to follow in the path of a consultant with an almost 94% win rate over 5 cycles

Here’s what’s different about this book: This builds on The Art of War plus the Art of Politics: Strategy for Campaigns by Gagliardi and Frost (2014) by adding an epilogue by Frost "10 years on the front lines of politics and the culture wars", Political Sun Tzu Key Concepts throughout, and End of Chapter Summaries to highlight key points from the past 10 years on the political battlefield and hard-won lessons.

This book is two books in one: on the left hand page is Gary Gagliardi's award winning translation of Sun Tzu's Bing Fa (Chinese) as The Art of War (English) and the facing page is the political interpretation. Much of this book was first published as “Sun Tzu’s Art of War plus the Art of Politics: Strategy for Campaigns” Feb 10, 2014, ISBN: 9781929194728

Does this book even work? Yes, it absolutely does. When we wrote this book, I hadn’t even been a candidate, let alone an award-winning political consultant and campaign educator and it delivered massive wins for me and our clients. This is the guidebook used to help shape the political landscape in Florida since 2014. The primary author, Shawn R. Frost, has used this book to get bills passed, candidates elected, and help launch political committees and movements.

The updates in this Special 10th Anniversary Edition add to that winning formula.

Frost's former clients, friends and colleagues regularly appear on FoxNews, NewsMax, OANN, Daily Wire, CNN, MSNBC, and in print everywhere. He considers himself to be a slightly smarter version of Forrest Gump in that he has had a front row seat to history. All because he mastered the mindset and skills contained in this book, and the courses at Science of Strategy Institute and he practiced and refined them at his consulting firm, MVP Strategy and Policy LLC.

That's the thing about good strategy, it is universal in its effectiveness and timeless in its influence.

We can’t promise you will win 93% of the time like Frost did, but reading this book moves you in the right direction. You will know how to win your campaign, see a loss coming sooner, or win eventually by advancing your strategic position through a winning or losing campaign over time.

Read this book again and again, to sharpen your mind like a sword, until winning becomes an instinct.

NOTE: A nearly identical version of this book was also published as "Political Art of War: Winning Strategy for Local Campaigns" ISBN:979-8883734686 and ASIN: B0CXCCMNMH on Kindle. Readers are advised that these are essentially the same books with minor layout and design variations

Format(s) for review: Paper Only

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 237

Word Count: 46,194

Political Art of War: Winning Strategy for Local Campaigns by Shawn R. Frost, Sun Tzu, Gary Galiardi (translator)

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MWSA Review

Political Art of War: Winning Strategy for Local Campaigns by Shawn R. Frost and Gary Gagliardi offers, on pages 27-227, the basic strategies adapted from Sun Tzu’s Art of War, as translated by Gary Gagliardi. The left-hand page has a translation of Sun Tzu, and the right-hand page applies each line to local campaign strategy. In addition, each chapter has an introductory page, and the two strategy pages are followed by a list of related articles from another of their books. Additional information is offered for each chapter in a section at the back called Chapter Summaries.

There are two sections at the beginning of the book, Foreword and Introduction. The Foreword explains that this book is to introduce how Sun Tzu’s strategic policies for war apply to politics and the idea of strategic agility. The book is designed to help you “analyze political situations, spot political opportunities, and make the appropriate decisions.” (page 10) The Introduction discusses Sun Tzu’s basic concepts and teachings, including this gem: “A good general is one who finds a position that wins without fighting a single battle.” (page 20) The authors talk about five key elements and nine skills, giving you much to think about.

Review by Nancy Kauffman (June 2024)

Author's Synopsis

Two books in one. The left page is Sun Tzu’s Bing Fa, translated into English as the Art of War by Gary Gagliardi. The right page is Shawn R. Frost’s commentary on how this relates to winning local elections. There are also chapter summaries, a glossary of chinese terms, and an epilogue highlighting Frost’s 10 years working in politics.

This is a nonpartisan guide to winning that has resulted in Frost’s clients winning 31 of 33 contests, an unheard of 93% winning rate.

Read this book, or lose to by someone who has.

Format(s) for review: Paper

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 237

Word Count: 45,149

Mission Transition: Navigating the Opportunities and Obstacles to Your Post-Military Career by Matthew J. Louis

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MWSA Review

Mission Transition: Navigating the Opportunities and Obstacles to Your Post-Military Career is a comprehensive guide and resource for all transitioning military—enlisted or officer—whether leaving after the first hitch or retiring after a long career. The author made a highly successful transition from retiring as a field grade Army officer and becoming an executive in a very prestigious Technology Fast 500 company.

Rather than writing the typical job search, resume, and interview transition book, the author takes on the trend of many veterans finding themselves going through several civilian positions before finding their true career calling. He does this by encouraging those leaving military service to start by using the tools and processes, included in the opening chapters of the book, to focus on career fields best suited to their personality and work/life goals. This approach should be extremely helpful for military members coming from military occupations such as combat arms, which do not have easily translatable skill sets applicable to the civilian world.

In addition to immediate transition, the book is filled with real-world advice for career success and progress. Most notably, the author then encourages veterans who successfully achieve their civilian career goals to “assimilate and give back” to those veterans coming behind them.

Lt. Col. Lewis should be commended for his dedication and hard work in producing this book for his fellow veterans and maintaining the accompanying website that is full of useful resources.

Review by Terry Lloyd (May 2024)

Author's Synopsis

Mission Transition is an essential career-change guide for any transitioning veteran that wants to avoid false starts and make optimal career choices following active duty.

Every year, about a quarter of a million veterans leave the military - most of whom are unprepared for the transition. These service members have developed incredible leadership, problem-solving, and practical skills that are underutilized once they reach the civilian world, a detriment to both themselves and society.

Well-intentioned Transition Assistance Programs and other support structures within the armed forces often leave veterans fending for themselves. The mission-first culture of the military results in service members focusing on their active duty roles in the year leading up to their separation, leaving them little time to adequately prepare to join the civilian world.

President of Purepost, a next-generation staffing solution and public benefits corporation, and author Matthew J. Louis guides military personnel through the entire process of making a successful move into civilian professional life.

In Mission Transition, this book will:

* Guide you through the process of discovering what path you want to take going forward

* Teach you the strategies that will make your résumé stand out

* Provide suggestions to help you prepare for and ace the interview

* Discuss ways to acclimate to your new organization’s culture and pay it forward to other veterans

Each chapter includes advice from other veterans, illustrations of key concepts, summaries, and suggested resources. Let this well-written and easy to follow guidebook help you transition out from the military and commit to being successful in the next chapter of your life.

Format(s) for review: Paper & Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 304

Word Count: 70000

Hiring Veterans: How To Leverage Military Talent for Organizational Growth by Matthew J. Louis

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MWSA Review

Hiring Veterans by Matthew J. Louis is just about the only reference you will need to successfully incorporate veterans as employees into your business.

The author provides concrete examples of what to do when hiring veterans. It stresses the creation of an organization or designated support staff to manage the process of identifying, interviewing, and incorporating veterans into a business organization, be it large or small.

The book does an excellent job of explaining the differences between military culture and business culture. Furthermore, the programs and processes Mr. Louis describes can be applied not only to hiring veterans, but also to hiring non-veterans, because many of the suggestions and proven methods he describes seem to translate well to the general population of non-military job candidates.

In addition to contrasting military culture with civilian culture, Hiring Veterans addresses the topic of governing regulations, as well as how to create, implement, and sustain veteran support programs within a business. It goes further, tackling setting expectations, identifying and recruiting candidates, interviewing them, implementing onboarding activities, and determining success measures.

Examples and quotes from companies who have made a special effort to hire veterans are enlightening and useful.

Visuals include charts, diagrams, and checklists, which can be adapted to a specific company’s situation.

Whether you are a small business owner or a hiring manager in a larger corporation, Hiring Veterans is a valuable resource to use.

Review by Patrica Walkow (May 2024)

Author's Synopsis

The definitive guide to hiring and retaining members of the military community by the foremost authority on the transition from military to civilian work-life.

“This book helps give employers the practical tools they need to hire and retain our well-qualified veterans and fully utilize the skills they acquired while serving in the Armed Forces. From leadership and work ethic to managing diverse teams in high-stress environments, [the skills] our veterans bring to the workforce . . . can ultimately prove invaluable to an organization.” —Col. Brad Wenstrup, USAR, member of Congress

“Hiring Veterans is a blueprint on how to welcome, support, and advance the military-connected community. It is a long-needed guidebook for employers that seek to become military-inclusive.” —Betsy Hubbard, vice president of programs, National Veterans Leadership Foundation

“If you or your business leaders seek to leverage the skills and abilities of this nation’s military service members, Hiring Veterans is your guide.” —Sean Passmore, head of military talent strategic sourcing and enterprise military and veteran initiatives, Wells Fargo Bank, NA

Veterans represent a real-time talent pool of experienced, trained, and dedicated professionals that, when properly harnessed, comprise an instant means of improving your competitiveness and productivity. Hiring Veterans covers important topics, such as how to successfully:

* organize and staff a veteran support program;

* identify and recruit candidates;

* onboard, deploy, and retain veteran hires;

* capitalize on financial incentives for veteran employment;

* and apply for military friendly recognition programs.

Format(s) for review: Paper & Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 256

Word Count: 65000

Leadership: Outdated Theories And Emerging Non-Traditional Leadership by Dr. Warren D. Martin

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MWSA Review

Dr. Martin shares with us this well-researched qualitative study to determine if modern senior leaders are using leadership models as taught by academic institutions or some other non-traditional model. His question: Why have organizational leaders transitioned from conventional leadership models to more non-traditional models of their own design?

To answer this question, he selected several senior leaders from many different career fields. He put them through an interview with both standardized and open-ended questions to ascertain how they practiced leadership. He then compared the data regarding each self-expressed leadership style to existing styles and noted some significant unexpected findings. With a well-thought-out, methodical approach and irrefutable data, this study will be interesting to anyone who considers themselves a student of leadership.

Review by Rob Ballister (February 2024)

Author's Synopsis

Qualitative Leadership study that examined outdated leadership theories and the phenomenon of organizational leaders transitioning from academically recommended leadership theories to their own non-traditional leadership practices. Continual change was identified as an ongoing phenomenon. Current leadership theories are outdated and not keeping pace with continual change, vast technological advancements, and expectations by stakeholders for transparency.

An eye opener for leadership and management professionals.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 179

Word Count: 33,000

Mom Hugs for Entrepreneurs by Raquel Gladieux

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MWSA Review

Mom Hugs for Entrepreneurs is a primer written for people thinking of becoming a business owner for the first time. While lacking in specifics, it serves as a helpful initial overview of the personal characteristics it takes to be successful. Author Raquel Gladieux and her husband, both graduates of the United States Naval Academy, purchased a franchise business which she refers to as a studio. The reader does not know which industry it is, but the lessons learned are applicable to any business start-up.

There is not one bad piece of advice in this book. At the end of each chapter three "Key Takeaways" help provide reader focus. The message that is reinforced multiple times is that entrepreneurs must do their homework: research, ask lots of questions and get professional help as needed.

Chapters titled "Mental Health" and "Take Care of Your Body" remind entrepreneurs that there is another side to their life that needs attention as well, such as family and personal health. This is where "Mom Hugs" become especially important.

This book is a good starting point for anyone who wants to own a business. Readers are encouraged to seek additional information from other easily accessible sources such as the United States Small Business Administration and state small business development centers.

Review by James Elsener (April 2023)


Author's Synopsis

So you are thinking about opening a small business...Mom Hugs for Entrepreneurs will help you reflect on why you want to start your own small business and will lead you step by step through the "must know" issues of getting started on your own entrepreneurial journey.  In this book packed with wisdom and practical knowledge, Raquel Gladieux put her years of professional experience to work for you, revealing some of the business management secrets that could save you headaches, heart aches and money.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 120

Word Count: 22,228 

Look to the Warriors: 12 Perspectives to Cultivate Inner Peace by Lee L. Kelley III

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MWSA Review

Lee Kelley in his book Look to the Warriors: 12 Perspectives to Cultivate Inner Peace has given us an interesting and easily followed collection of advice on achieving inner peace. His hypotheses is simple: the training and experiences that most people in the military receive prepare them to better handle stress in a variety of situations. If a person tries to emulate that training and the lessons learned, he/she might have a better chance to achieve inner peace. While one might easily argue that people in the military suffer from stress just as much or more than civilians, Kelley's point is well taken. In his book, the author provides numerous "case studies" to illustrate his hypothesis. Kelley also suggests that leaders in any profession could learn from how the military instills confidence, team spirit, and several more positive traits. The book serves as a good guide for both the individual and the leader. It is well worth reading by anyone seeking self or team improvement.

Review by Bob Doerr (April 2023)


Author's Synopsis

Lee Kelley is a writer, trainer, military transition expert, executive coach, former army captain, and combat Veteran who loves to support, mentor, and inspire people to achieve their goals and, most importantly, to savor and enjoy the moments of their daily lives. Lee is passionate about topics and teachings related to meditation, high performance, mindfulness, spirituality, personal growth, writing, psychology, and inner peace, among many other subjects. A proud native of New Orleans, Lee has adopted southern Utah as his second home and now lives there with his very spoiled pets.

Format(s) for review: Paper or Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 178

Word Count: 46017

Athena's Bridge: Essays on Strategy and Leadership by Michael Hennelly

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MWSA Review

Strategy exists separately in two worlds: one in the military establishment and the other with corporations or businesses. As Athena's Bridge: Essays on Strategy and Leadership author Professor Michael Hennelly points out, strategic and tactical planning with the necessary leadership has similar roles in military and civilian organizations. Dr. Hennelly, as a military strategist and academic instructor at United States Military Academy, West Point, and a corporate advisor on leadership and strategy reveals in nine essays through contrasting examples, unnecessary gaps exist between military and civilian approaches to strategy and leadership. Mark Twain, Shakespeare, Melville, von Clausewitz, Pixar, McDonald's, The Godfather, Kmart, Trafalgar, and Iliad are diverse examples used to compare and contrast models of successful and not-so-successful strategic planning. Brief assessments of General George C. Marshall's wartime and civilian successes and France's failures at Dien Bien Phu represent potent examples of leadership applied to strategic planning. Important and time-tested lessons for today's business entrepreneurs are not new. For example, the author notes Sun Tzu's fifth-century B.C. themes for achieving success on battlefields can also work in corporate boardrooms. Essays from Athens's Bridge present enlightening crossover themes designed to close these two worlds with time-proven objectives.

Review by Tom Beard (March 2023)


Author's Synopsis

Most people don’t know that General George Marshall is a valuable and relevant model for 21st century entrepreneurs. That is because there are two worlds of strategy and most people are only aware of one. There are two worlds of leadership and most people are only aware of one. One is the military world, thousands of years old but studied by very few. The other is the corporate world, astonishingly new but studied by millions. Both of these worlds have developed valuable insights into strategy and leadership. The problem is that MBA students rarely study the military world and soldiers rarely study the corporate world. Learning from both worlds deepens one’s understanding and provides a richer and more diverse perspective on strategy and leadership. This book is designed to be a bridge between these two worlds.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 398

Word Count: 89,282

From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership by William Toti by

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Author's Synopsis

In From CO to CEO: A Practical Guide for Transitioning from Military to Industry Leadership, William J. Toti, former CO of the nuclear submarine USS Indianapolis and former CEO of Sparton Corporation, offers a seminal manual for service members transitioning to civilian careers and navigating their rise up the corporate ladder.

Genre(s): Nonfiction, Reference

Format(s): Hard cover, Kindle, ePub/iBook, Audiobook

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-63763-063-1, 978-1-63763-064-8x

Number of Pages: 272

How to Deal with Damn Near Anything by John McGlothlin

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MWSA Review

A former paratrooper, author John McGlothlin, uses the military as his backdrop for presenting inner traits that, if adopted, will help anyone—whether in the military or not—create a life where challenges can be met. The author identifies five essential inner traits: self-awareness, initiative, efficiency, adaptability, and insistence. Backed by studies from multiple sources, the author employs real-life and often first-hand examples from both military and civilian life to demonstrate the traits, why they are necessary, and how they relate to each other. And he does it with just the right amount of humor to make the reader laugh from time to time.

The book is well designed, with a consistent format for defining each trait, identifying the mindset, and explaining the action steps to develop and practice that trait. This approach makes it visually appealing and easy to follow. This book can serve as a life guide for anyone who wants to be purpose-driven, effective, and respected in the workplace and in their personal life.

Review by Patricia Walkow (May 2022)

Author's Synopsis

There is a hidden side to the military—behind the stories of leadership and valor is a distinct culture that promotes personal growth and development. In How to Deal with Damn Near Anything: The Paratrooper’s Guide to Life, John McGlothlin shows how this culture can benefit anyone.

Using a mix of research and first-hand experience, McGlothlin distills this culture into five “inner traits” essential to facing any challenge. Each trait is examined in detail: what they mean, how they fit together, how to build them, and why being a paratrooper offers a unique perspective on doing so.

No place fuses personal and professional like the “airborne.” The result is a series of lessons no classroom or regular workplace can teach. You don’t have to enlist to learn them–you just have to embrace the right mix of practical thinking, honesty, and a desire to improve. How to Deal with Damn Near Anything will guide you through that process and put you on the right path for stability and success.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 222

Where You Go, I Will Go by Victoria Terrinoni

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MWSA Review
Victoria Terrinoni’s book, Where You Go I Will Go, is a guide for military spouses. The author combines humor, resilience, marriage, and patriotism into a format that evokes memories of an intimate conversation with a good friend over a cup of hot coffee.

Terrinoni's honest, insightful story of thirty-one years of life with her Air Force chaplain husband will help any new spouse embarking on a similar journey. The lessons learned after each chapter provide a quick recap of the key takeaways to keep in mind and are invaluable.

Where You Go, I Will Go is organized by topic and is easy to read and retain information.  This book provides tools to help a new military spouse acclimate, including an appendix of acronyms and abbreviations vital to know as well as online and on-base resources.

Review by Nancy Panko (July 2021)

Author's Synopsis
Military life is confusing. You have so many questions. Where will you live? How will you make friends? What happens when your spouse deploys? What about the kids?  Through personal stories, humorous and serious, Where You Go, I Will Go: Lessons From a Military Spouse will answer these questions and more.

In this book, Victoria Terrinoni, a military spouse for 31 years, will show you:

How to handle frequent moves.

How to deal with loneliness and make new friends.

What happens during deployments.

How to help your children adjust.

What those darn acronyms mean.

What resources are available to find answers and support

Where You Go, I Will Go provides valuable lessons on many issues facing military spouses, especially new spouses. Most of all, you will see you are not alone in this journey.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-7368931-04, 978-1-7368931-1-1

Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 122

Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass by Sandra Stosz

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MWSA Review
VADM Sandra Stosz's Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters should be a leadership textbook in every leadership curriculum. Not only is it well written and authoritative on the perspective of breaking down barriers for minorities, but for those leaders NOT in a minority group it provides an excellent reminder of just why we need diversity in our workforce and armed services.

The author does an excellent job of relaying how as a junior female officer in a mostly male armed force, she had to challenge the establishment in order to be accepted on her merits. She does so with humor and professionalism in a way that each story is not an accusation but a learning opportunity for those at every level of leadership and supervision. She leaves her audience with several valuable insights and tools (I especially enjoyed the three P’s of power) that any leader at any level in any organization can use. This reviewer is a retired Naval officer and leadership instructor, and I still found many useful talking points to use with my students.

Also enjoyable was her use of very non-standard leadership texts like Mere Christianity and To Kill a Mockingbird to make her point.

Leaders military and otherwise will find a lot of value in this inspiring book from an author who was on the cutting edge of the Coast Guard, both literally and figuratively.

Review by Rob Ballister (July 2021)

Author's Synopsis
Today, our nation is like a ship being tossed in tumultuous seas. The winds and waves of change have divided and distanced our society, threatening to wash away the very principles upon which our nation was founded. The forces of change are driving us into uncharted waters. Now more than ever, our nation needs leaders with the moral courage to stand strong and steady—leaders capable of uniting people in support of a shared purpose by building the trust and respect necessary for organizations and their people to thrive.

In Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters, Admiral Sandy Stosz draws upon 40 years of extensive leadership experience leading mostly all-male teams in the US Coast Guard to help leaders navigate complexity and succeed at every level. Character-centered, proven leadership principles emerge from engaging, personal stories that teach leaders how to find, and then become, an inspiring mentor; implement successful diversity, inclusion, and equity programs; successfully lead in a complex environment; and much more.

Leaders eager to make a difference by helping people and organizations be their best will find Breaking Ice and Breaking Glass: Leading in Uncharted Waters their go-to resource.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-64663-525-2, 978-1-64663-523-8, 978-1-64663-524-5

Book Format(s): Hard cover, Soft cover, Kindle

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 312

B.R.A.N.D. Before your Resumé by Graciela Tiscareño-Sato

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MWSA Review
B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resume by Graciela Tiscareno-Sato is a 171-page self-help book aimed at a specific audience: Your Marketing Guide for Veterans and Military Service Members Entering Civilian Life. However, the processes described are beneficial to anyone seeking a job or career change. The book relies heavily on the workshops that the author has offered over a decade or more and contains useful exercises.

Review by Nancy Kauffman (June 2021)


Author's Synopsis
B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé is the first book written by a military veteran (turned marketing professional and entrepreneur) for service members and military veterans to craft their forward-looking,  AUTHENTIC personal branding.

Student veterans, military spouses, veterans in their first, second, or third career transitions will all learn valuable self-marketing skills, guided by a veteran who knows the transition chaos (and success!) firsthand. 

This book is essential if you’re joining the ranks of veterans choosing the entrepreneurship track, if seeking your first career after leaving the active-duty force, or if pursuing your first internship or full-time job after completing your degree as a student veteran.

Readers will complete the “extracting product attributes” exercise, see 25+ examples of great branding created BY veterans Graciela has personally coached, and be able to write their own authentic personal branding to influence their intended target audience. 

Graciela teaches the reader a repeatable marketing messaging process that will be useful for years to come.

Those who wish to collaborate live with Graciela, who will coach them to perfecting their branding and/or discussing their business startup idea, will be offered the option to do so.

In this marketing guidebook, Graciela guides you in becoming an epic storyteller of your unique value, long before you write your resumé which she reminds us all is a marketing deliverable. Taking this approach as she did during her career transitions means that your audience for your new forward-looking branding will be so intrigued by your value that they’ll ASK for your resumé!

You’ll be empowered to confidently communicate your value to make things happen, as Graciela did during her transformation from military aviator to technology marketing manager. Graciela freely shares the communication process she followed during her highly successful military-to-civilian transition, in which she was mentored by women veterans every step of the way.

Stop going at it alone.

And most importantly, stop listening to those pushing you into writing your resumé (or worse yet your LinkedIn profile) before you’ve done the essential work to understand your personal values and interests, your value to civilian organizations and the target audience you need to attract.

Learn to "B.R.A.N.D. Before Your Resumé" with a marketing-savvy fellow veteran at your side.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-0997309065,

Book Format(s): Hard cover, Kindle, ePub/iBook

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 185

American Cyberscape: Trials and the Path to Trust by Mari K Eder

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MWSA Review
American Cyberscape: Trials and the Path to Trust by Mari K. Eder is a treatise on the state of disinformation in America today. Referring to the phenomenon as the Information Apocalypse, Eder sets forth a convincing case that our society has devolved into a frightening lack of trust, leaving us at odds with one another. The disinformation leaves Americans distrustful of the government, the media, non-government organizations, and—to a lesser extent—businesses.

After presenting the problems inherent in the lack of trust, Eder outlines steps that can be taken by individuals, as well as leaders to restore trust. She encourages leaders and journalists to be more truthful and more transparent. She challenges individuals to be better versed in distinguishing fact from fiction, educate themselves in the areas of social media and news outlets, and look at issues from both sides politically. Readers are encouraged to fact-check all forms of media, and especially social media, which is rife with misinformation, fake news, innuendo, character assassination, and faulty beliefs. This book should be read by all journalists, leaders, and concerned individuals from both ends of the political spectrum in order to start becoming part of the solution rather than part of the problem.

Review by Betsy Beard (March 2021)

Author's Synopsis
Trust is unraveling across American institutions, affecting not only government but also news organizations, trusted sources of information and, most critically, expertise and values. The impact is not just institutional, the decay also affects individuals, families and shared norms. The very foundations of American civic culture seem increasingly at risk. All the while, technology continues to act as an accelerant, speeding up societal change and challenging our abilities to keep pace while controlling our responses. Uncovering the multivariate sources of these challenges is work that demands rigorous, ongoing investigation. As with any investigation, a solid place to start is a requirement. In American Cyberscape: Trials and the Path to Trust, Mari Eder examines the sources of decay in trust and offers solutions to lead us to firmer terrains of shared truth. By grounding the topography of cyberspace and drawing on wide-ranging expertise and experience, both scholarly and practical, American Cyberscape shows pathways to improve outcomes for everyone.

ISBN/ASIN: ISBN-10 : 1953327001, ISBN-13 : 978-1953327000

Book Format(s): Soft cover, ePub/iBook

Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business

Number of Pages: 152

Combat To College by John Davis

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MWSA Review

There are many issues that veterans have when they leave the military and decide to go forward and pursue higher education. Combat to College is the perfect companion to take with you to assist you in that learning journey. I could relate to some of those many issues because I went back to college when I got out of the Army, was married, and had two children. Even though this book is aimed at today's veterans, I still could relate, decades later!

Author John Davis gives many personal examples of how he felt and, more importantly, how he handled it. He shares his feelings about professors/teachers who have a different view of the world and life than veterans may have. I felt that he realistically covered that issue and others with sound intelligent advice.

If one is looking for a guidebook for transitioning to college, then this is your needed how-to-do-it manual. It will prepare you emotionally and aid your college experience. I recommend this book as a great gift to yourself—or others who are going from combat to college! Great reference book!

 Review by Bill McDonald (April 2020)

Author's Synopsis

Combat To College is the book for veterans who want to win the college battle. Veterans must utilize the unique skills and discipline gained in the military to succeed in higher education. Your experiences make you capable of not only graduating but creating the life you want after military service. When veterans get out of the military, their plan of action often determines whether they live out their dreams or their nightmares. How well you do in college often dictates how well you do in life. Rise up to your potential and navigate college with these straightforward lessons. Maintain your military bearing, confidence and unwavering determination into your next chapter. Make your college success non-negotiable, you earned your GI Bill and it's time to grit your teeth and use it.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-0-578-66338-8
Book Format(s): Softcover, Kindle
Review Genre: Nonfiction—Reference
Number of Pages: 149

The Road to Publishing by Dawn Brotherton

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MWSA Review

A spare little tome, A Guide to Publishing is nonetheless a reliable and useful tool for authors first striking out down the road of trying to get a book published. It doesn't supply a step-by-step format or specific worksheets to either self-publishing or traditional publishing, but it is a helpful book to scour to understand the overall process and how one might decide on a path to follow. There are some valuable individual hints (such as how to search out agents that might be appropriate for you to pitch), and the book is written in a friendly, breezy style that is easy to digest. It is certainly packed with more than enough really good material to get an author started with the "What do I do next?" quandary once a book manuscript is completed. The author also points to some excellent specific resources and organizations that can be valuable to a novice author. If I were looking for this sort of guidance it is definitely a book I would want to read first.

Review by Phil Keith (March 2020)

Author's Synopsis

It’s a long, twisting road to publishing—don’t let anyone tell you differently. There’s no one path, and the results are as varied as the methods to get there. Before you make a decision affecting your life, you owe it to yourself to do some homework. The Road to Publishing describes options available to you from self- to traditional publishing, providing helpful hints along the way. Through exercises and thought-provoking questions, the path will become clearer. Grab your notebook and let’s get started.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1-939696-44-1 (paperback), 978-1-939696-45-8 (eBook)
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle, ePub/iBook
Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business
Number of Pages: 150

Deliberate Discomfort - How U.S. Special Operations Forces Overcome Fear and Dare to Win by Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable by Jason Van Camp with Andy Symonds

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MWSA Review

Deliberate Discomfort: How U.S. Special Operations Forces Overcome Fear and Dare to Win by Getting Comfortable Being Uncomfortable by Jason B.A. Van Camp with Andy Symonds is a great book for future and present leaders in business or the military world to read and absorb. Taking lessons learned from combat and training—and linking them to what is needed to make successful moves in real everyday life and in business—makes this book unique. The authors take examples from actual experiences of twelve combat veterans, which works as a wonderful teaching tool. Inspiring and also entertaining! It is well written with wit, emotion, and great storytelling, getting the fullest attention of the reader. I am giving copies of the book to my grandchildren for the life lessons it shares. This book will certainly sit in my private collection of resource books.  

Review by Bill McDonald (April 2020)

Author's Synopsis

Deliberate Discomfort follows the journey of Jason Van Camp as a new Green Beret commander taking over a team of combat-hardened Special Forces veterans. This true story tells firsthand the intense, traumatic battles these warriors fought and won, sharing lessons learned from their incredible backgrounds. A cadre of scientists further break down each experience, translating them into digestible and relatable action items, allowing the reader to apply these lessons forged under fire to their own lives.

Deliberate Discomfort is the ultimate book on leadership and self-improvement, depicting how these warriors found a way to win under incredible odds with never-quit attitudes. The authors don't just tell you how to thrive under pressure; they show you how, in heart-racing, first-person narratives.

Read Medal of Honor recipient Leroy Petry's true account of grabbing an enemy grenade in Afghanistan, saving the lives of his fellow soldiers but losing his hand in the process. Hear what fellow Medal of Honor recipient Florent Groberg was thinking as he tackled a suicide bomber. Feel what Marine Joey Jones felt as he was flying through the air, weightless, after stepping on the IED that would take both his legs. And most importantly, experience what Jason learned about leadership and embracing discomfort from adversity.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1733428019
Book Format(s): Hard cover
Review Genre: How-To/Business
Number of Pages: 288

Surviving Deployment by Karen M. Pavlicin

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MWSA Review

A Must Have Guide for All Military Families! There are some books that you need to make a go of your life—the Bible for some, a first-aid book for others, a how to fix everything in your life “For Dummies” book for most of the rest of us. However, if you are a military family, then Karen Pavlicin’s book “Surviving Deployment – A guide for military families” is your survival book and should be on the top of the list. This is like taking a course in “Military Family 101A” without any college credits and no tuition.

This is the best book of its kind out there and one that should become a tool that all military families should have close at hand. There is so much great advice and information. With this book you can take a lot of the anxiety and fear out of going through any deployment. This book gives you that kind of emotional support and practical wisdom. There are also personal stories from many families and checklists that are “real world” helpful!

It is well written and easy to read. It covers so many areas and subjects from how to handle finances to problems with your children. There is not much ground that the author does not cover and relate to in some way. Reading this book can reduce the stress levels associated with military deployments through knowledge and education.

Reviewed by: Bill McDonald (2005)

Author's Synopsis

As part of today's active duty or reserve forces, your loved one may be called to war, peacekeeping missions, anti-terrorism campaigns, field exercises, disaster relief, and many other duties far from home--and you.

Surviving Deployment is your personal guide to turning an otherwise lonely and challenging situation into a positive experience.

Learn what to expect, how to prepare, and how to personally grow as individuals and families. Your survival gear will range from a sturdy toilet plunger to the fine art of letter writing. You'll manage financial changes, help children express their feelings, and discover a renewed appreciation for everyday life.

Solid information. Practical checklists. Personal stories from hundreds of families.

Hal Moore on Leadership: Winning When Outgunned and Outmanned by Harold G. Moore

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MWSA Review

Mike Guardia’s collaboration with General Moore is an outstanding primer of “boots-on-the-ground” leadership, chronicling the general’s development from West Point cadet to three star general.  Besides biographical details about Moore’s life, there are quotes from Moore, and stories related personally by Moore that speak to his common sense style of leadership.  

I especially liked how through each chapter there were simple boldfaced statements that reflect the tenets of Moore’s leadership style.  For example, (page 35) “Wherever possible, solve problems at the lowest level.” These bold statements are collected and reprinted at the end of each chapter, making this almost a reference book for any young leader, corporate or military.

The book is written with a military slant, but can be adapted to the corporate environment as well.  The language is clear and straight-forward, the book is well organized, and the section of photographs is both relevant and interesting.

As a retired military officer who taught leadership at the US Naval Academy, I would have loved to use this book in my classroom.  Young military officers or those new to the business world will find useful leadership guidance here. In addition, service academy graduates, those interested in the Vietnam War, or those who have an interest in military biography will find something meaningful and memorable in this book.

MWSA Reviewer: Rob Ballister (Mar 2018)

Author's Synopsis

Hal Moore led his life by a set of principles - a code developed through years of experience, trial-and-error, and the study of leaders of every stripe. In a career spanning more than thirty years, Moore's life touched upon many historical events: the Occupation of Japan, the Korean War, Vietnam, and the refashioning of the US Army into an all-volunteer force. At each juncture, he learned critical lessons and had opportunities to affect change through measured responses.

"Hal Moore on Leadership" offers a comprehensive guide to the principles that helped shape Moore's success both on and off the battlefield. They are strategies for the outnumbered, outgunned, and seemingly hopeless. They apply to any leader in any organization - business or military. These lessons and principles are nothing theoretical or scientific. They are simply rules of thumb learned and practiced by a man who spent his entire adult life leading others and perfecting his art of leadership.

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1548305109
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle, Audiobook
Genre(s): Nonfiction, Memoir, Biography, Reference, How to/Business, Anthology
Review Genre: Nonfiction—How to/Business
Number of Pages: 168