MWSA wants to make sure we protect our members’ privacy. We therefore let you, the member, decide exactly what type of information is shared and with whom.
To check your current privacy settings, click on “Privacy” on your profile page.
Viewing Your Privacy Settings
Click for larger image
Scroll up and down to see your current settings (who gets to see what).
What types of information you can decide to share:
Membership Level
Separated by street, city, state, and zip code
Members may only want to share their state of residence (rather than their full mailing address) for example.
Military affiliation
Photo album
Send message form
If activated—by setting to “Members” or “Anybody”—this form allows other members to contact you directly from within our members-only website.
Updating/Changing Your Privacy Settings
Click for larger image
If you’d like to change any of the settings, just click on the blue “Edit Profile” button (see image in the section above). You may now change any of your individual privacy settings however you’d like.
What do the settings mean?
No access—no one but you and your MWSA membership team can see any items marked at this level.
Members—only current members can view this information.
Anybody—anyone logged into our website can view this information.
What about “Show profile to others”?
MWSA used to have a membership directory, where members could opt-in to have their names and contact details available to others.
We recently “turned off” the membership directory until we could get a better handle on everyone’s desired privacy settings. Until we’re sure that everyone has given permission to share such information, we’ll keep the directory unavailable—to both the public AND to your fellow MWSA members.