When Legends Lived, Vol 2 by R. C. Morris

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MWSA Review

When Legends Lived by R. C. Morris begins 25 years after Volume I Gone to Texas. Jericho McCain has been retired from the Texas Rangers for five years and has purchased a horse farm with his friend and fellow Ranger Roosevelt “Rosie” Poe. However, their sense of duty remains strong, and they are lured back to their hazardous work when their old nemesis Scar as well as some Comanches attack the railroad and surrounding farms, affecting the railroad's profits. With authority from the governor and the U. S. President, the railroad hires McCain and Poe to clean up this area of Texas. While they have aged, they are still fearsome and focused. Along the way, they rescue stolen women, remove other criminals, and spend months on the trail. While Texas is becoming more civilized, these two crime fighters are still needed. A well told story.

Review by Nancy Kauffman (April 2024)

Author's Synopsis

In Volume 2, When Legends Lived, Jericho's story continues as he, his Texas Ranger partner Roosevelt Poe, and their fellow Rangers help usher a wild and violent territory into statehood. You’ll find many villains to loath, the lawmen righted wrongs, justice prevailed. Those who read Westerns likely relish the violent moments in the “Name of Justice”! Morris, a retired Army officer familiar with combat, captures the conflicting varied elements through often spare and stark scenes of violent battles that depict both courage and cowardice. Ultimately, as is the tradition in classic westerns, Jericho’s story is a tale of honor, one that celebrates our deeper humanity as depicted in the honorable actions’ men perform in battle, as well as the humor they express and the heartfelt emotions they mask in tragic moments.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Fiction—Historical Fiction

Number of Pages: 668

Word Count: 194,162