Book.Reviewer#--A Reminder

As a reminder, each reviewer has a unique Book.Reviewer# for each of his/her review books.  The number is a combination of the book number and the reviewer's slot number, separated by a period.  Your Book.Reviewer#(s) can always be found in your reviewer summary and its accurate use is what allows us to automate a large portion of our tracking work (i.e., keeping our system up-to-date and accurate).  

The number is used whenever you...

  • report receipt of each of your review copies via our online form

  • submit your scores and comments (plus the written review if you're the #1) for each book

  • need to submit your reviewer conference input (if necessary)

If you're ever in doubt or can't remember where to find that number, please don't guess and submit any form with a possibly bad number!  Just ask, we'd be happy to send you another reviewer summary.  Sending that reminder email is MUCH easier than trying to figure out what you did and then fix it manually (by searching through hundreds of spreadsheet lines and columns, deleting the erroneous entry, and entering the corrected data). :-)

Originally posted Jan 2019