MWSA’s Writers Education Series Returns
By Jim Tritten
MWSA will host five educational webinars during 2025 on the following topics:
January 19, 2025, Writing Your Story – Jim Tritten
March 16, 2025, Setting – Nancy Arbuthnot
May 18, 2025, Starting Your Story/Characters – Jack Woodville London
July 27, 2025, Telling – Narration and Dialogue – Bob Doerr
August 17, 2025, Plot and Story Arc – Jim Tritten
All webinars are on Sunday afternoons at 5:00 PM Eastern, 4:00 PM Central, 3:00 PM Mountain, and 2:00 PM Pacific.
These are the same topics that were presented by these same people at the Admiral Kidd Club in San Diego on September 26th as our Write Your Story Workshop. Our intent is to record these presentations and make them available for others who want to use them for local presentations elsewhere. Events will be scheduled and reminder links posted on our MWSA website and MWSA Facebook pages as the dates near. However, we normally hold sessions at our MWSA Zoom meeting link here, passcode 430028. If anyone has any questions, contact Jim Tritten at