
Two Stitches and a Patch by Dr. Terry Megli and Robert Lofthouse

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MWSA Review

Two Stitches and a Patch by Dr. Terry Megli and Robert Lofthouse offers a Christian faith-based approach to navigating the deep and often overwhelming journey of grief. The book is rooted in biblical teachings and aims to provide believers with a roadmap for managing grief and suffering, using God's divine plan as a foundation for healing. Through a thoughtful exploration of grief, the authors guide the reader to understand how faith can offer restoration, peace, and hope.

Drawing from the Bible, the book highlights the stories of individuals who endured immense pain from grief, with particular focus on the life of Job, whose story in the Old Testament is used as a lens to explore the complex relationship between suffering and faith. The authors present grief as an inevitable part of life, but one that can be endured with faith in God's ultimate plan of restoration.

The structure of the book revolves around seven "Movements" designed to help the reader cope with end-of-life grief. These movements provide a framework for understanding the emotional and spiritual stages of grief, with each section offering valuable insights and reflections. The emphasis is on accepting suffering as part of God's plan and trusting in His promise to restore peace in the midst of pain.

Two Stitches and a Patch could be a valuable resource for those seeking to navigate the emotional and spiritual complexities of grief. The unique blend of biblical wisdom and original metaphors offers readers a faith-based perspective on healing. However, some of the more abstract concepts may be difficult to fully grasp without additional explanation, and the best use of the book may be in a group or instructional setting, with a teacher or leader to help clarify the more complex theological ideas. Overall, this book will be a helpful companion for those who wish to find solace and strength in their Christian faith during times of loss.

Review by Frank Taylor (February 2025)

Author's Synopsis

We are witnessing a crisis in the Christian community of unresolved grief and pain. Not acknowledging the truth of death holds us back from fully enjoying the divine gifts of hope and happiness. If anyone can model the ability to live with joy after life's struggles, it's Job. Two Stitches and a Patch builds on the seven movements of Job's restored happiness while filling in the pieces of the divine action physics that lead to life after death. Build confidence by leaning in and listening to those who are at the end of life, and reboot your life in the embrace of the changes that create a life well lived.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 109

Word Count: 25,304

Government in the Gospels: Daily Reflections for Government Officials by Rev. Jonathan M. Craig

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MWSA Review

Government in the Gospels: Daily Reflections for Government Officials by Rev. Jonathan M. Craig is a refreshing and insightful 55-day devotional crafted specifically for elected officials and staffers navigating the complexities of public service. As the Florida Legislature chaplain, Craig brings a unique perspective, blending his deep understanding of Scripture with his real-world experience ministering to those in government. The result is a thoughtful, practical, and uplifting guide that speaks directly to the challenges and responsibilities faced by those in public office.

Each of the 55 daily devotionals is rooted in the teachings of the Gospels, offering a concise yet profound reflection on how Jesus’s words and actions can inform and inspire modern governance. Craig’s writing is clear and engaging, making biblical principles accessible without feeling preachy or detached from the realities of political life. Whether it’s a meditation on servant leadership, justice, or compassion, each entry feels relevant and timely, encouraging readers to consider how their faith can shape their decisions and interactions.

What sets this devotional apart is its intentional design for small group discussion. Every day concludes with a handful of questions that invite deeper reflection and conversation. These prompts are perfect for staff meetings, prayer breakfasts, or informal gatherings of colleagues, fostering meaningful dialogue about applying Gospel values in the public square. They’re thought-provoking without being overly complex, striking just the right balance for busy professionals.

Craig’s heart for those serving in government shines through every page. His tone is encouraging and empathetic, recognizing the weight of leadership while offering hope and wisdom drawn from Christ’s example. Government in the Gospels is a gem for elected officials and staffers seeking to align their work with their faith—or for anyone interested in how the Gospel intersects with governance. It’s a compact, powerful resource that leaves you refreshed and equipped, day after day. Highly recommended!

Review by Shawn R. Frost (March 2025)

Author's Synopsis

Do the Gospels have anything to do with government? The short answer is, "Yes!" In fact, the four Gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John are more connected to government than might be expected. Through 55 daily devotionals Government in the Gospels examines every passage in the Gospels directly related to government by inviting the reader to thoughtfully interact with the biblical text, to reflect on questions designed to engage the soul, and to pray according to each daily theme. May the Holy Spirit strengthen and encourage the faith of those who serve in public office as they encounter the word of God and rejoice in his promises which are "Yes!" and "Amen!" in Jesus Christ.

Format(s) for review: Paper Only

Review Genre: Other—Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 119

Word Count: 32,320

Redeeming Warriors: Veteran Suicide, Grieving, and the Fight for Faith by Joshua D. Holler

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MWSA Review

Redeeming Warriors seeks to offer hope to struggling veterans at risk for suicide and grappling with all of the accompanying complications—such as broken marriages and various addictions—through vertical and horizontal reconciliation, in a Christian context. If you are seeking information of this type but are not currently a person of Christian faith or seeking to explore the Christian faith, it may not be easy to separate the relevant secular information from the faith-based messages.

Having said that, the author writes from a tremendous position of credibility from his “real world” experiences as a young enlisted combat Marine twice deployed to Iraq between 2007 and 2009 and as a witness to the plight of many of his fellow Marines confronting the onslaught of challenges that can lead to isolation, addictions, and suicide. His subsequent journey through academia and theological scholarship to become a pastor, and his “holistic” approach to veteran healing and emphasis on community to fight isolation, are highly appealing.

An extensive glossary of military terms is provided, as well as a listing of support organizations and resources. Trained counselors of Christian faith and clergy should find this a very useful guide to helping distraught veterans, and others similarly afflicted, they encounter professionally, however, veterans and their families may not find this book easy to follow without assistance.

Review by Terry Lloyd (March 2025)


Author's Synopsis

Twenty–two veterans take their own lives every day. The word ‘tragic’ only begins to describe the brokenness of this painful reality. Josh Holler, Marine Corps veteran and pastor, argues that veteran suicide is not primarily a problem born out of exposure to combat and PTSD, but out of a broken relationship between people and God. He tells some of the stories of men he has known and addresses the reality of the reason veteran suicide is such a problem.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Other—Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 304

Word Count: 94,392

Crow Wisdom: A Seasonal Journey by Jasmine Tritten & Wanda Jerome

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Author's Synopsis

Crows have symbolic meanings in many cultures. Incredibly smart, these birds carve a unique place between the natural and spiritual worlds. They fly into our lives and communicate important insights as harbingers of change to come. In homage to the family of corvids – especially crows – we compiled this collection of uplifting poetry, photography and artwork to shed light on their unique contributions to our human experience here on earth. We hope you enjoy this book and crows find their way to you when you need them.

Genre(s): Religious/Spiritual, Poetry Book, Picture Book

Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle

Christ's Purple Heart by Chuck Habermehl

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MWSA Review

Christ’s Purple Heart by Chuck Habermehl is the account of the Passion of Christ from a military perspective. The author explains various political factions, and how they play a significant role in what happened to Jesus. The author, a Vietnam veteran, compares Jesus to an operator on a mission. Bible verses at the end of each chapter help the reader correlate fulfilling Bible prophecy with what Jesus experienced physiologically and psychologically as he was tortured.

Habermehl describes Christ’s Purple Heart: “(It) is distinguished by the cross on which He died. Above the heart is a shield, which symbolizes Jesus as the protector. It is red for the sizable amount of blood He shed and is flanked with thorns representing the crown and various devices used to inflict His injuries. The Gold V that lies atop the shied stands for the incredible valor Christ exhibited while being tortured as a prisoner of war. The red ribbon trimmed in purple is for additional blood He shed, more than any man could ever endure."

Habermehl presents Christ's Purple Heart posthumously to Jesus Christ. "For wounds received in action against hostile enemy forces resulting in His death, while engaged in a world-changing mission April 30 AD, Jerusalem, Judea..."

This Lenten season, give yourself a gift. Read Christ’s Purple Heart.

Review by Nancy Panko (February 2024)

Author's Synopsis

Christ's Purple Heart: Killed In Action Body Resurrected is a special narrative on the final days of Christ's life from the perspective of a hand-to-hand, close quarters combative tactician, Chuck Habermehl, who elaborates on descriptive injuries typically missing from most accounts of Christ’s death. Support of this historical event was found in his study of The Bible, in numerous books on the life of Jesus and in period books on warfare in the region, listed in the book’s references.

“Jesus had His marching orders in AD30, with His operation planning and methods being similar to classic small-unit tactics. There was the occupier and the occupied, the ally and the axis, good and evil.”

Christ endured horrific physical tortures at the hand of violent hostile soldiers in a barbaric time. Four chapters of Christ's Purple Heart are dedicated to the mechanisms of His dying: interrogating, scourging, beatings and the crucifixion. During all of this, Jesus possessed all the attributes of a disciplined warrior, brave and willing to sacrifice Himself for His unit, the mission and mankind. While He is deserving of so many honors, including a Medal of Honor, it is because of His physical injuries Habermehl focuses on Christ's Purple Heart.

Format(s) for review: Paper Only

Review Genre: Other—Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 128

Word Count: 20,000

Fight for it Financial by Nate James

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MWSA Review
Author Nate James draws on his life experience as a United States Marine, police officer, Christian, father, and husband as he guides the reader through his philosophies of living, duty, and finances.

Fight for it Financial offers the reader practical tips, often scripture-based, for living a satisfying life and making sound financial decisions. Mr. James paves an experienced-based path for people who wish to get out of debt and enjoy the benefits of financial freedom, wealth-building, and positioning family first.

The author identifies nine steps to eliminating debt and becoming financially secure. Some of the money-related issues he addresses include: how to conquer spending, the importance of a budget, examples and strategies for living below your means, the importance of being grateful, owning a vehicle you can afford, and clarifying what one needs versus what one wants.  All the financial concerns mentioned by the author have solutions if a person is willing to embrace the required behavior changes that lead to eliminating, or greatly reducing, debt.

There are many books out there on this topic. What Nate James brings to the table is his personal experience, his values, and Christian faith. Regardless of a reader’s religious affiliation, Fight for It Financial offers sound advice with a sprinkling of humor and personal anecdotes.

Review by Patricia Walkow (March 2022)


Author's Synopsis

Utilizing a no-nonsense approach with intense real-life anecdotes told by Nate James, a Christian, family man, United States Marine and Police Officer, Fight for it Financial is an easy and entertaining way to learn personal finance.

The majority of people are tired of living the grind of everyday America, but, in reality, it doesn’t have to be boring or monotonous. Americans like to fight for what they believe in, however most haven’t been taught how to fight for a better financial way.

This scripture-based guidebook will unequivocally help readers of all ages and socioeconomic levels tackle essential skills like budget necessities, spending strategies, and passive investing.

The reader will have the knowledge and inspiration to get out of debt, stay out of debt, build wealth and achieve financial freedom. For too long debt has been a hinderance to financial and family prosperity. I offer the reader a chance to change their mindset and provide numerous examples of how I changed mine, through nine chronological steps to attack debt and prosper.

If you want it, let’s fight for it.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Other—Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 187

Mercy's Heroes - The Fight for Human Dignity in the Slums of Bangkok by Tom Crowley

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MWSA Review
Tom Crowley’s Mercy’s Heroes tells the story of a charity that operates in the slums of Bangkok, Thailand. To this day, this charity works with needy children by providing schooling and medical attention in a supportive atmosphere of caring and safety. Its three main programs are: the Mercy Home, the Mercy Schools, and the Mercy Street Kids Outreach.

The author focuses on the founders, staff, children, and volunteers who work at Mercy. These are the heroes he refers to in his title. From background information regarding the founding, funding, and operations of Mercy to anecdotal vignettes of specific children, he exposes the abject poverty of the slums, the hope Mercy offers, and the struggles and triumphs of both staff and children.

Interspersed with the activities of Mercy, Tom Crowley reveals some of his military experiences in Vietnam in the 1960s, before Mercy existed. From the vantage point of an infantry officer who was in combat and wounded, the author offers an assessment of the Vietnam War, and it is one many would agree with. Perhaps his Vietnam experience planted the initial seed for the volunteer work he embraced in Southeast Asia many years later.

Mr. Crowley takes the reader along on his description of the slums, as well as the organization and mission of Mercy. As an impactful volunteer, his long-term commitment to this unpaid work is evident throughout this book. He found ways to get to know many of the children, directly help them with their needs, and assist the charity’s administration in securing funds. Both the teamwork skills he learned in Vietnam and his business experience came into play many times during his work at Mercy.

While Tom Crowley extols the dedication and success of everyone associated with Mercy, he is humble and does not name himself as a Mercy hero, yet he surely is one.

Mercy's Heroes is an engaging though unsettling look at the have-nots and those who want to help them build hopeful lives. It’s not the tourist’s view of Bangkok. If you are looking for charitable organizations to park some of your money, Mercy should be on your list.

Review by Pat Walkow (March 2022)


Author's Synopsis

In Mercy's Heroes, a Vietnam veteran battling with PTSD turns from the business world to life as a volunteer, helping to rescue and protect street kids in Bangkok's biggest slum.

Here Tom Crowley details the children's efforts to survive abuse and the struggle for dignity waged by the poorest of families. Interwoven throughout, the author's combat experiences and pain highlight the question of how to find personal reconciliation amid the struggles of abused children in the slums. In his efforts to help others, he gains a spiritual understanding worth much more than his financial loss. At the same time, he learns, "You must consign the failures to the burden the angels can carry and let go of the guilt."

This story will resonate with all those who want to gain a deeper insight into social work at the street level. The successes are to be celebrated-the losses mourned. Mercy's Heroes portrays the healing that is to be found in helping others.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Other—Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 190

Get A Grip on the Bible by Jerry Burton

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MWSA Review
I've done a lot of Bible studies and very much enjoyed this one. Get a Grip on the Bible was very helpful breaking down the key elements of the first eight books of the Bible. The questions are thought-provoking and provide the opportunity for the information to sink in. I especially appreciate the workbook-type format. I look forward to seeing the next study guide by Burton.

Review by Dawn Brotherton (April 2021)

Author's Synopsis
Did you ever start to read the Bible and then give up? If so, this Get a Grip approach could help you get into the Word with confidence.

Get a Grip—on the Bible is designed to provide enough information to help you familiarize yourself with each book but not so much that you get overwhelmed. For each book covered, author Jerry L. Burton discusses who wrote it, why and when it was written, and the intended audience. He also explores the culture and history of the time, offering additional context. He also shares a few key narratives in a storytelling format, exploring key doctrines that appear consistently throughout the Bible. Using this method, you’ll soon have confidence in your ability to study and understand God’s Word.

Formatted for use by Sunday school classes, small-group Bible studies, and individuals, this study guide presents a comfortable way of learning the basics of the Bible.

ISBN/ASIN: 9781664205529 Softcover, 9781664205512 Hardcover, 9781664205536 E-Book

Book Format(s): Hard cover, Soft cover, Kindle

Review Genre: Collections—Religious/Spiritual

Number of Pages: 184

Off the Hook: How Forgiving You Frees Me by Dana Tibbitts & Patti Goldberg

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MWSA Review
The subject of forgiveness has been written about since the earliest days of communication, as in the old Christian Bible stories. Authors Dana Tibbitts and Patti Goldberg, take a refreshing look from their own religious and spiritual points of view, but use plenty of biblical scripture and stories to illustrate their insights. 

They deliver an overall message of love and hope for recovery from our own unhappiness caused by holding onto old hurts and feelings. Their message is about healing and moving forward and freeing yourself from the past. It is done in both an entertaining and inspired way and avoids getting too preachy. It is written for the normal average reader, easy to read and digest. 

Their book is a helpful tool for getting yourself unstuck and "Off the Hook" so you can grow spiritually and emotionally. Most Christian readers will find value in including this book in their personal library.

 Review by Bill McDonald (February 2020)

Author's Synopsis

 SO YOU THINK YOU'VE FORGIVEN? THINK AGAIN. Is there something you’ve inadvertently picked up along the way that’s sucking the life out of you? Stealing your peace? Has you stuck? Stuck happens. Much as we think we’ve moved on, hard things have a way of taking root in the heartscape of our lives. Off the Hook shares real life stories of real people who had no idea they were still captive to past hurts—until they walked through deep forgiveness! This way of forgiveness offers healing and freedom you never thought possible. It’s about the power of truly letting go—taking old pain patterns and people off your hook, for your sake, not theirs. No longer hemmed in by the burden of deep hurt, loss and offense, you are free at last to soar above it. Discover what no one has told you about the forgiveness power tool—what it is, what it is not, and how to do it. Rewrite the ending to your true story by retrieving the wellbeing and destiny God has for you.

ISBN/ASIN: 0985097833, 978-0985097837
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle, Audiobook
Review Genre: Religious/Spiritual
Number of Pages: 212

Campsite Six by Jan Fallon

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Author's Synopsis

Campsite Six is about Evie Clayborn, a young professional who wants to get away. She escapes the city to find some rest at a secluded campsite, but Campsite Six isn't as secluded as she thinks. She has to run. Her life depends on it. Now she wonders, which is worse--being lost or found?

Evie wants to quiet the noise from her past, with a mother who keeps it all too fresh, and a dark secret that goes with her everywhere.

Had her imagination run wild, or was she being followed?

It seemed everyone, in heaven and on earth, was searching for Evie Clayborn--but one had the worst of intentions. They had to find her first. It was her only hope.

Evie's only choice is to face her past with a courage she doesn't know she has, and a restored faith that helps her fight an enemy who wants nothing more than to leave her dead in the woods and in eternal darkness.

Campsite Six invites readers to root for Evie during her most vulnerable moments, to care deeply about her loss and life, and identify their own fears and faith through a fantastic lens that lets their minds wonder about redemption, eternity, and the nearness of God.

Similar to books by C.S. Lewis and Madeleine L'Engle, Campsite Six involves the lives of everyday people, who are offered a chance to see life through the lens of possible, yet fantastic, scenarios that lead to life changing experiences.

Campsite Six is a speculative suspense novel with a simple yet plausible storyline drawn from Biblical references, that uses the unknowns in its pages as the entry points of fiction and fantasy.

Genre(s): Fiction, Mystery/Thriller, Religious/Spiritual
Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
ISBN/ASIN: ISBN-10: 0989278220, ISBN-13: 978-0989278225, ASIN: B07B1SMCXX

Holy in the Moment: Simple Ways to Love God and Enjoy Your Life by Ginger Harrington

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MWSA Review

Let’s face it—holiness is no easy topic to write about! The whole concept of holy can feel esoteric, unwieldy and largely irrelevant to our daily lives. We tend to think of holiness as something that resides in the realm of the divine rather than the rough and tumble of daily life, right? 

Well, not exactly. After all, the Word is clear, “Be holy, as I am holy.” But how?

Perhaps this is what makes Holy in the Moment work. Ginger Harrington is no advocate for pious perfectionism or holier than thou religious endeavor. Holy in the Moment aspires to practical life strategies and meaningful moments that create patterns of holy living and right alignment with God. Harrington’s approach to holiness is less about religion than real life choices and meaningful relationship.

Holy in the Moment is a reminder of Richard Foster’s powerful insight into what he calls the principle of indirectionWe do not become holy by trying to be holy; we only become holy by growing into right relationship with God (Celebration of Discipline). God takes our small daily offerings of ourselves and makes something that far exceeds our wildest expectations. 

Harrington translates the spiritual disciplines into something less about regimen than real life choices and faith in action. Through her own journey of discovery, Harrington offers simple reminders and holy habits to enable us to live less self-centered and more God-centered lives.

Get real with God about your true feelings. Set the atmosphere in your home. Choose holiness over legalism. Count the cost of perfectionism. Make the sacred choice to forgive. Call someone else's unrecognized gift to the surface. Extend the gift of invitation. Get rid of toxic attitudes.

This pragmatic approach to holiness lays out a road map of intentional moments, daily behaviors, and practical decisions that reorient our lives and put us on the path to deeper relationship with God. Holiness is fruit--the supernatural byproduct of incremental change, daily surrender, and simple obedience. Only God can make us holy.

“Sacred simplicity is a secret to a life well lived,” the author writes, “when we make the most of all our moments for God to change our lives one spiritual choice at a time.”

Review by Dana Tibbitts (August 2018)

Author's Synopsis

Enjoying life (zoe) in Christ comes in the choices we make moment-by-moment. Transparently sharing her struggles with anxiety, fear, and insecurity, Ginger Harrington invites women to discover how intentional choices made in the moment can become holy habits that open the door to healing and freedom. With a refreshing perspective, she shows that holiness isn’t a rigid standard to keep but a gift to receive through a vital relationship with God, who makes us whole. Holy in the Moment explores the practical power of choices to grow in holiness without the pressure of perfectionism. Through gentle encouragement, biblical insights, and applicable ideas learn to discern feelings and overcome distractions and shame, adapt God’s equation for obedience, live a praying life, discover methods for practicing holiness in parenting and the importance of rest, embrace biblical love and forgiveness, and understand how work becomes holy. Find healing and wholeness with simple choices to love God, embrace truth, and enjoy every moment of life with practical ways to be holy by choosing to trust God, rely on his wisdom, and live from his resources.

ISBN/ASIN: ASIN: B074KM3D2W, ISBN: 978-1501857805
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Religious/Spiritual
Review Genre: Collections—Religious/Spiritual
Number of Pages: 227

Chopper Heroes by William Peterson

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MWSA Review

This read will take your breath away.  The harrowing details faced daily by Vietnam chopper crew members are vividly presented.  Each brief and deeply personal story creates new visuals of the daily fight to stay alive.  Powerfully moved, I felt back in time--similar to punching big buttons on a 60's jukebox full of deep cuts during that era.  However, this book's selections were not classic music from long ago.  Instead, in an amazing fashion, Chopper Heroes records ordeals faced by our bravest young men in service that are far more powerful than the music back then.  Simply stated, I highly recommend this book to those who appreciate valor and enjoy history about potentially forgotten warriors.

Review by Hodge Wood (July 2018)

Author's Synopsis

Chopper Heroes ~ Have Guns Will Travel will introduce many of the survivors of the nasty war in Vietnam. The true, interesting, gut-wrenching and often thrilling stories you are about to read are from men whom I am honored to know. Many of the words written here are theirs from interviews I have done. As a storyteller, I have tried to recapture the events as they happened forty-five plus years ago. The narrative and scenes created here are mostly true, and the dialogue is written for all audiences from teenagers to adults, men and women alike.

ISBN/ASIN: 9781981656943    ISBN-13: 978-1981771561    ISBN-10: 1981771565
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Nonfiction, History, Religious/Spiritual
Review Genre: Nonfiction—History
Number of Pages: 130

How Free People Move Mountains; by Kathy Roth-Douquet and Frank Schaeffer

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MWSA Review

Recipient of the 2008 MWSA Silver Medal for Religious/Spiritual Books

These are ugly times in America. Wall Street is imploding, the Global War on Terror continues to be finessed by the Administration and ignored by the American public, the national debt is almost unserviceable - and the presidential campaign focuses instead on lipstick, moose-skinning, and American flag pins. The parents and families of Marines killed in Iraq and Afghanistan must again be shaking their heads in dismay.

"How Free People move Mountains,"  is an unusual book for these ugly times, and one well worth reading. Co-authors Kathy Roth-Douqet and Frank Schaeffer address the divide that has split the United States, threatens our being as a respected nation - and propose a solution that is elegant in its simplicity.

Frank Schaeffer and Kathy Roth-Douquet are unlikely co-authors, yet perhaps their differences are why their premise is ultimately successful. Schaeffer comes from a deeply evangelical Christian and unforgiving New England background while Roth-Douquet is liberal, Jewish, and a former Clinton aide, yet they succcessfully collaborated two years ago in "AWOL; The unexcused absence of the upper class from military service", which advanced the thesis that patrotism, national service, and duty to country was not just the province of lower-income Southerners and Midwesterners. It is interesting to note that Schaeffer's son enlisted in the Marine Corps and served in Afghanistan while Roth-Douqet is married to a career Marine officer, so both understand better than most the concept of serving a cause greater than oneself. It is these unique backgrounds that enable the authors to unite in their belief in the intrinsic goodness of the United States - and that this is a crucial time for America to regain it.

"How Free People Move Mountains" is written in an engaging style. Set up as a discussion between 'Liberal Kathy' and 'Conservative Frank', the two authors talk about how Americans today have substituted the pursuit of consumer goods and wealth for religious faith and the laws of God (Frank), or a belief in the natural goodness of man (Kathy). While it is up to the reader to decide which road is correct, Schaeffer and Roth-Douqet's debate finishes in the same place; that of ignoring the politicians and talking heads who push the conservative-liberal, red state-blue state divisions for their own selfish reasons and instead take a direct interest in the future of their country.

Their well-reasoned solution is quite simple, and reflects the thoughts of our Founding Fathers: live a moral life, respect others, and work for the common good. The ideals of "Honor - Courage - Commitment" resound throughout the book, and throughout their ideas for breaking through the morass of mindless consumerism that they see as sapping America's spiritual strength.As 'Liberal Kathy' and 'Conservative Frank' are able to engage in spirited yet, civil debate, "How Free People Move Mountains" shows us the way to re-engage Americans in the future of the country.

MWSA Reviewer: Andy Lubin

Author's Synopsis

"How Do We Ever Speak with One Voice Again in Our Divided and Angry Country?"

It is amazing how one America is isolated from the "other" America. The red/blue state divisions run so deep that it is possible to live without any interaction—ideological or otherwise—with those who hold different opinions than oneself. We are a people alienated, from ourselves and from our government.

The authors, an odd mix across the Blue/Red divide—one a founder of the modern evangelical movement, the other a liberal Jewish former Clinton aide—hold an extended conversation across many months, several states, and two countries—sometimes contentious, sometimes funny, exploring the idea of how unlikely pairings—and thus, the entire country—can come together. They argue that we're entering a new era in history, and now is the time to rise up to it; to make ourselves able to tackle the enormous problems in our laps; to, in effect, move mountains.

Battle Scars; by David Salkin

MWSA Review
Unbelievable believability meets the reader of Battle Scars, from the first page to the last. With a depth and detail worthy of any combat veteran's memoirs, David M Salkin weaves a fictional story of a young soldier's experience that is so raw and unabashedly emotional, the reader has no choice but to take the journey with the men portrayed.

It is difficult to believe this is a work of fiction rather than a first-person retelling of the humanity hiding in plain sight on and off the battlefield. Those who have been in combat will recognize themselves in these pages, and those who have lost someone they love in combat will relive that experience with this young Marine and the families he meets.

Battle Scars may be a work of fiction, but the story it tells is all too real. It is the story of the men and women from all eras who have upheld their oath to defend this nation. It is the story of those left to mourn the fallen, and it is a reminder to all of the tremendous cost of freedom.
Review by Barbara Allen, MWSA Reviewer

Author's Synopsis:
Marine Corporal Sean Nichols is wounded in a devastating ambush that takes the lives of his three friends and leaves him an amputee. If not for the heroism of his sergeant, Deke Tilman, who pulled him out of the road, Sean would have surely died with his fire team. With the help of Deke, Sean now embarks on his next mission—recuperate from his serious injuries, and visit the families of his fallen comrades as he tries to make peace with such profound loss.  

Battle Scars is a thought provoking drama with compelling characters that illustrates the resiliency and strength of the human spirit, the power of love and friendship, and the ability to overcome even our darkest moments. Gritty realism and original storytelling breathe life into Battle Scars as it inspires us with a surprising tale of heroism and the great sacrifice made by our modern war fighters. 

“Battle Scars is an incredible story of brothers in arms and the bonds formed in combat. The struggles that are faced by combat veterans returning from war are real and nothing I've read brings that story to life like Battle Scars. This is a must read!”
LTCOL T. Kevin White "TK"
150th Special Operations Wing

"This book is a gut check for those who have worn the cloth of the nation. For those who have not it is a testimonial for those who have served and sacrificed. As Americans we are blessed with freedom. It comes at a price."
James E. Livingston
Major General USMC (Ret)
Medal of Honor Recipient    

"This book was a tough read, and at the same time I couldn't put it down. Salkin got this one right! Every now and again you come across a book that is as much cathartic as it is entertaining. At a time when we are losing way too many Soldiers, Sailors, Airmen and Marines, it struck a chord with this Old Soldier."
COL William L. Peace, Sr.
U.S. Army National Guard

“David Salkin has fired at close range and with unerring accuracy with this tale! He takes a tough situation that is all-too-often neglected and gives it life. This story is for all veterans and their supporters. His first-person writing style makes the reader feel present throughout the story. It's a quick read that will leave you thinking long after completion. I most strongly recommend it to all who are interested in understanding better the true costs of America's conflicts—past, present, and future. "
Major General GT Garrett, USA (Ret)
42nd Infantry Division

“Dave hit the nail on the head with this one. It’s a quick read simply because you don’t want to stop turning the page. This may be fiction but it certainly doesn’t read that way.”                      
Neil T. Roeder, LTC, MS USAR

“David Salkin’s story is a must-read for all Veterans and supporters. This book not only entertains you, it educates you on the price paid by those who have the guts to walk the walk.  His first-person writing takes you on a ride which seems to bring out all emotions and it also places you right on the battlefield. Maybe it’s just my love of heroic deeds but it sure knocked me on my knees. The read is overall life-like and is very consistent with the actions taking place every day in Iraq and Afghanistan. Kudos to Dave for really knocking this one out of the park”                                                                                                                              Christian S. DiMeo (Ret) SFC.
USMC / Embassy Marine Cairo/Beirut/Geneva - ARMY NG / Operation Enduring Freedom

“Battle Scars” hits like an RPG!  Camaraderie, adrenaline, fear, loss, hope and redemption all in one exhilarating and disturbingly beautiful tale. Hard to believe David hasn’t been on the battlefield, because this tale rocked me back for days! A must read for everyone who is, has been, or supports our warriors!”                                                                                                Wayne Emery CPT, USA
Military Assistance Command Vietnam, I Corps Team Leader, Advisory Team 1 and Advisory Team 3

"For anyone who's ever been there, this book brings back all the sights, sounds and smells of deployment like none other. Take care in the reading because Battle Scars is real. An often painful, always enthralling reminder of what we give...and what we lose...whenever we send our men and women to war. Mr. Salkin brought to life the pain and struggles of our fellow veterans and showed an accurate account of their bravery off the field."
S/Sgt Nicole Rosga, U.S. Air National Guard

Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Fiction, Historical Fiction, Literary Fiction, Religious/Spiritual
Review Genre: Fiction—Historical Fiction
Number of Pages: 120

Guiding Missal; by Nancy Panko

MWSA Review
Guiding Missal is a multi-generational family story of courage and faith with an inspiring premise. The story focuses on the lives of three men, spans fifty years, two wars and one crisis that brings the United States and the Soviet Union to the brink of war. What helps these men through their life-and-death situations is the comfort they receive from a missal that's been handed down from father to son. Author Nancy Panko has taken a familiar story and added a twist: the missal not merely a passive prayer book—she makes it a participant in a way that is both clever and touching. The narrative is further enhanced by real-life accounts of incidents told to her by veterans and relatives. The result is a moving and inspirational story, specific in its action and timeless in its theme.
Reviewed by Dwight Jon Zimmerman, MWSA President

Author's Synopsis:
Across a span of fifty years, three generations of military men have one prayer book in common that has a mind and voice of its own. In 1944, a U.S. Army baker volunteers as a forward observer to carry out covert operations behind German lines in World War II. In the early Sixties, a focused nineteen-year-old Airman is responsible for decoding critical top secret messages during the height of the Berlin Crisis. In 1993, an army sniper overcomes a debilitating condition only to fight for survival in the streets of war-torn Mogadishu, Somalia, when a Blackhawk helicopter is shot down. Yet, when each of these men face a crisis, this very special prayer book, My Military Missal, intercedes with understanding and divine power. Based on actual events, Guiding Missal is relevant for any person who is serving or has served in the military and their families. This story will help you understand why soldiers are “old” at twenty-five or why they become angry when someone disrespects the American flag. Guiding Missal’s timeless journey of faith, patriotism and miracles will touch your heart as the missal and the men call out to God for guidance, protection, and a safe return home.

ISBN/ASIN: ISBN-13: 978-1-61153-240-1  ISBN-10: 161153240X
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Historical Fiction, Religious/Spiritual
Review Genre: Fiction—Historical Fiction
Number of Pages: 284

Let Go The Movement Process, by Sean Wyman

MWSA Review
Let Go the Movement Process, by author Sean Wyman is a short but heartfelt memoir and self-help book.  

Wyman's earnest recounting of his childhood is definitely gut-wrenching.  The author chronicles his parents' split-up; various short stays in a series of foster homes; his attempts to cope with an abusive, drug-dealing stepfather; and having to defend himself from repeated violent episodes in school.  He also provides details about how he continued to face adversity and challenges as he grew up and entered the work force.  

To overcome many obstacles in his life, the author relied on his faith and a motivational series of steps, which he codified into an acronym involving the letters of the word "movement."  Having successfully navigated his own life's challenges, the author offers to share his system, so that others can "Let Go the Movement Process."

This book might appeal to those looking for help overcoming adversity or learning how they might discover a path towards a purpose-filled life.  However, the reader should be warned that the version of the book submitted for review requires a significant amount of editing.
By John Cathcart, MWSA Awards Director and Reviewer

Author's Synopsis:
So many people today refuse to let go of their past and it keeps them from having the life they deserve. They hold onto the self-doubt, fear, and insecurity that holds them hostage from having a purpose driven life. In this book, I share my story of being held hostage by my past, finally realizing it, and a finding a movement process through divine intervention to let it go. Now I have been called to help you discover this process so you can let go of your past and move forward with your life. It took me over 40 years to discover what you will learn in a much shorter period of time in this book. So as you get started, allow me to be the first to say "Welcome to the Movement"

ISBN/ASIN: 978-1539414360
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle
Genre(s): Nonfiction, Memoir, Biography, Religious/Spiritual
Number of Pages: 102