The Widow and the Warrior by John Wemlinger

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MWSA Review

Author John Wemlinger’s The Widow and the Warrior takes readers on a thrilling ride from Washington, D.C., to Michigan and through the deep south. The story keeps readers on the edge of their seats, not sure where the next hit will come from. With a cast of both likeable and remarkably unlikeable characters, the plot includes interesting and unexpected twists that keep the pages turning.

A family mystery, a large inheritance, and political intrigue come together to bring out the best and the worst of people in this story. Old and new military and intelligence alliances deepen to help pinpoint players across the country involved in an elaborate scheme for power and control. The author has some of his characters act in unpredictable ways, which keeps readers guessing throughout. I highly recommend this suspenseful military and political thriller.

Review by Valerie Ormond (February 2024)


Author's Synopsis

Set in Frankfort, Michigan, along the shores of Lake Michigan, The Widow and the Warrior is the story of one wealthy family's tragic 130-year history. Anna Shane, national political editor of The Washington Post, is poised on the brink of turning that tragic history into triumph until a secret society and a greedy relative conspire to have her murdered. Shawn O'Toole, an ex-Special Forces operator who was forced to retire rather than possibly face a court-martial is called to protect her. To do that, however, Shawn finds himself having to use some of the very same vigilante tactics that cost him his career in the military.

Format(s) for review: Paper and Kindle

Review Genre: Fiction—Mystery/Thriller/Crime

Number of Pages: 308

Word Count: 80,000