Under Another Sun: A Novel of the Vietnam War by David Lewis and Dana Welch

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MWSA Review
Authors David S. Lewis and Dana C. Welch have written an interesting story of the life of an enlisted war correspondent, or public information specialist, serving in Vietnam during the war. Lewis, the primary story teller, paints us a realistic picture of a soldier, Thomas Grey, who arrives in Vietnam with an attitude and the goal of being a top-notch correspondent, only to leave a bitter and somewhat broken man. At first, he wants to be in the field with the troops, and in doing so, wins the troops' respect and an impressive reputation acknowledged by command. However, by the time his days left in the war zone wind down, he has become more reliant on booze and marijuana to maintain his courage, and inwardly wishes to not be sent out into combat anymore. With only weeks left, he is sent into the dreaded A Shau Valley accompanying a company of combat soldiers with a mission to seek out the enemy. The soldiers run into an ambush, and death and mayhem once again engulf Grey. This is a good story that is marred somewhat by punctuation and syntax errors.

Review by Bob Doerr (March 2021) 

Author's Synopsis
It was early in 1969. The war in Vietnam raged with both sides locked in a savage war of attrition. the American commitment reached its apex with over half a million men in-country.

Under Another Sun tells the stories of two American enlisted soldiers. One, a reporter for the Army's information services who travels throughout Vietnam, vowing the war from many places and from differing conditions. The other, an infantryman, a grunt, travels the jungles and mountains of the Area of Operations of the 101st Airborne Division in I Corps. The two soldiers link up from time-to-time as the story unfolds, which moves inexorably toward one of the bloodiest battles of the Vietnam War--the fight for Dong Ap Bia, better known as Hamburger Hill--and the fates of the two young men. As the battle storms the limits of friendship, if any, are put to the test.


Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle

Review Genre: Fiction—Historical Fiction

Number of Pages: 308