Ruth Crocker
Ruth W. Crocker is the author of more than sixty publications. Her articles, stories, and personal essays have been featured in The Gettysburg Review, Grace Magazine, O-Dark-Thirty, T.A.P.S. Magazine, The Saturday Evening Post, Redux, The Bennington Review, Story Circle and several anthologies and trade magazines. Among her writing honors are a notable essay in Best American Essays, a Pushcart Prize nomination, first prize in the Saturday Evening Post’s “Tribute to the Troops” essay contest, and the Lloyd D. Matterson Award for Excellence in Research. Her memoir, Those Who Remain: Remembrance and Reunion After War, received the Benjamin Franklin Award from the Independent Book Publishers Association, and the Silver Medal from the MWSA. Her nonfiction book, People of Yellowstone, received Foreword Reviews Book of the Year Award in 2017. She holds a PhD from the University of Connecticut, a Master of Education from Tufts University, and a Master of Fine Arts in writing from Bennington College. Presently, she is editor of the National Newsletter of the Gold Star Wives of America, as well as a frequent speaker on the subject of memoir and the craft of writing. She lives and writes in Mystic, CT. Visit her at
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