Charleston, South Carolina
8-11 November 2018
Photos | Hotel | Overview | Agenda | Presentations
Conference Critique & Suggestions
Hilton Garden Inn
300 Wingo Way
Mount Pleasant, SC 29464
The hotel cost will be $125 per night. Call the hotel at 843-606-4600 and mention you are with the Military Society of America when you make your reservation.
USS Yorktown
All members of MWSA should try to attend this year’s conference. It’s a great opportunity to network, learn from others, and be involved with the future of the Society. We have decided to hold the conference at the Hilton Garden Inn in Mount Pleasant, SC, and as with last year’s conference, we have kept costs low without taking away from the quality of the location or the presentations. In fact, this year we hope to have a couple of key players in the publishing industry talk to us.
Charleston is an exciting town. The hotel is just across the Cooper River and a stone's throw from Patriot's Point and the USS Yorktown. Here is also home to the Viet Nam Experience museum and the museum of the Medal of Honor. One of the earliest victors of revolution took place on nearby Sullivan Island and the civil war started at Fort Sumter.
The Awards Banquet will be held the evening of November 10. Your conference fee will cover your attendance at the Banquet. Guests are welcome, but please note if you bring a guest there will be an additional charge.
Fort Sumter
There will be no increase in conference fees over last year with an early bird special of $195. After June first, the fees will be $215. The hotel cost will be $125 per night. Call the hotel at 843-606-4600 and mention you are with the Military Society of America when you make your reservation..
We plan on putting on a free, one day writing course at the VA clinic in Charleston on the 8th . Any members in the area on the 8th are invited to attend. Additional specifics will be made available in the future.
As a reminder, we will honor cancellation refund requests until the last minute possible; however, once we have to lock in meals, etc. with the hotel, refunds will not be possible. This usually happens around a week before the start of the conference.
If you want to participate in a panel or would like to make a presentation, please let Bob Doerr know. You can use our Event Contact Form or email him directly at
Please check back often, as our conference agenda is still evolving/changing over time.
Conference Critique
Please give us your feedback!