Basic Info | Photos | Agenda
Date: September 7-10, 2017
Location: Menger Hotel, San Antonio,TX
Overview & Agenda
All members of MWSA are encouraged to attend our annual conferences. In addition to a general membership meeting that will enable you to learn more about what’s going on in MWSA and you'll have the opportunity to voice your suggestions for the future of MWSA. The agenda included seminars to improve your skills as a writer and presentations that will entertain and educate you on the military history of San Antonio. For more details, see our conference agenda below.
The Menger Hotel is the oldest, continuously operating hotel west of the Mississippi. Teddy Roosevelt recruited his Rough Riders here in the bar that looks much the same today as it did way back then. The Alamo is across the street, the River Walk is two blocks away, and a large shopping mall is a five minute walk from the hotel.
Check out the hotel’s website:
San Antonio is rated as one of the top places to visit in the country. If you’ve never been here, plan on spending an extra day or two. Some of you may have gone through Basic Training here with the Air Force, or maybe you spent time at Fort Sam Houston. If so, come see how the city has changed since the “old days.”
Click here for a short article on San Antonio's military history.

Many thanks to Sarah Koller and Sandi Linhart for taking so many wonderful photos!