( Revised_ 2/3/2019)
teleconference Wednesday, 6 February 2019, 4:30 pm EST.
New changes in phone service, New Numbers via Free Conference Call
Call (712) 775-7270 When directed, enter access code: 948914 #
1. Call to Order President Bob Doerr
2...Approve minutes of last meeing Secretary Joe Epley
SEE APPENDIX A, Minutes 11 Sept meeting
3. Treasurer's Report Treasurer Hugh Simpson
SEE APPENDIX B, Treasurer's Report
4. 2019 Annual Meeting Jim Tritten
A. Approve motion to set the fees for 2019 Annual Meeting
5. 2018 Annual Meeting Joe Epley
SEE APPENDIX C. After Action Report
6. Old business
A. Policy for reimbursement of conference fee. Joe Epley
SEE APPENDIX D Policy for reimbursement of fees
B. Awards Committee Report John Cathcart
7. New Business
A. Approve contract with Red Engine Press APPENDIX F
B. Goals for 2019 Bob Doerr
a. Identify all services that we have an annual bill and decide whether to keep that service or not. (Simpson)
b. Identify all websites, social media accounts, etc. that MWSA has, ensure that we want to keep them, and ensure each is registered correctly and that the bill to maintain them is being sent to the right person. SEE APPENDIX E Tritten< Cathcart
c. Scrub how MWSA is registered, listed in Wikipedia, etc, ensure data is up to date, and conduct nonprofit organizational review. (Jackson)
d. Develop a process to solicit donations and follow-up as required. (Doerr)
e ..Come up with volunteers to help with our website
f. Find location for our 2020 conference.
g. Consider concept of reviewing first thirty pages of each book sent in for review by one reviewer to decide whether full manuscript should be reviewed under our normal process or sent back for more editing. (Cathcart)
h. Refine our financial policies to enhance financial security, transparency, and accountability. (Simpson)
i Develop MWSA Ambassador Program. (Ormond)
j. Evaluate our process on membership, dues, communication with potential members (Doerr
C. Committee assignments for 2019-2020 Bob Doerr
D. Other items to come before the board
E. Next scheduled quarterly Board meeting will be a conference call @ 4:30 pm EST Wednesday 8 May 2019.
10. Adjourn