Write Your Story Writing Workshop

On September 26, 2024, MWSA members will host a Write Your Story (WYS) event for local military, veterans, and their families while we are in San Diego from 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM. Location for the event is the Admiral Kidd Catering and Conference Center, Bldg. A-3, Nimitz Room, on Naval Base Point Loma, Harbor Drive Annex. Lunch is included.

This event is geared toward newer writers who want to tell their stories but may not know where to begin. We encourage MWSA members to get the word out to friends and family in the San Diego area who may be interested in this free event.

MWSA members attending the annual conference may attend, space permitting. We are limited to 40 attendees. Please contact WYS Logistics Coordinator Valerie Ormond at writeyourstory@mwsa.co if interested. Please note that for those without base access, registration is required by Jul. 25; all others may register by Sep. 6. Valerie can place members on a space available list and will notify by email in mid-September if there is room to attend.

2024 Awards Finalists

MWSA announced our 2024 Awards Finalists this Saturday, July 6, via a recorded video announcement.

If you missed watching live (or “listening” live during our watch party), the announcement videos are available on Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram.

Visit our 2024 season page to see a list of all the finalists and their books. That page also has links to the video announcement on each of the social media platforms mentioned above. You can also see a copy of the press release announcing our finalists.

Congratulations to all our 2024 finalists!

Announcement of 2024 Awards Finalists

MWSA will announce our 2024 Awards Finalists this Saturday, July 6, at 8 PM Eastern (7 Central, 6 Mountain, 5 Pacific Daylight Time).

The announcement will be broadcast on our Facebook and Instagram accounts at that time. You can watch the video live by yourself using the Facebook and Instagram links below.

But why watch by yourself when you can watch it with your fellow MWSA authors at a live online watch party? ;-)

Zoom Watch Party

This year, we’re trying something new: a finalist announcement watch party on Zoom. Join us 5-10-15 minutes before the scheduled time. Then, we’ll watch the video together live at the times listed above (8 PM Eastern).

After the video airs, we’ll spend another 15-30 minutes congratulating this year’s winners and/or fielding any questions you may have. Use the link below to join us on Zoom.






If you miss the live presentations, we’ll post the video on our website and our allied social media sites. We’ll also publish a list of our finalists on our 2024 season page shortly after the live video announcement (https://www.mwsadispatches.com/2024-season)

Good luck to all our 2024 authors!

Iowa Review Veteran and Military Personnel Writing Contest

Here is an excellent opportunity to enter a no-cost writing contest open only to veterans and active duty military personnel.

The 2024 contest rules include the following.

• Submit a manuscript in any genre (poetry, fiction, creative nonfiction) of up to 20 pages. Prose submissions must be double-spaced. Work must be previously unpublished. Simultaneous submissions are fine, assuming you inform us of acceptance elsewhere.

• The judge will select winners from a group of finalists chosen by Iowa Review editors. All manuscripts, whether selected as finalists or not, are considered for publication.

• Proof of military service is not required when submitting. (We request documentation only when a writer's work makes it to the final round of judging.)

• To submit online, please visit https://iowareview.submittable.com/submit between May 1 and 31, 2024, and follow the instructions.

For full details, please visit https://iowareview.org/veteranswritingcontest.

Good luck!

MWSA Member Speaking at WWII Event in France

Jack Woodville London, Director Emeritus of the Military Writers Society of America (MWSA), will speak on the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day landings at Omaha and Utah Beaches in Normandy, France. Jack will speak at the Brittany American Military Cemetery at Montjoie-Saint-Martin, France, on June 6, 2024, and at the Normandy American Military Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, France, on June 7, 2024. 

Jack, in his own words:

“I am humbled by this invitation. Like many of us, I grew up in a small town where the men and women of my parents’ generation had served in the war, become heroes in their service, and never spoke of it. Only when I served I the Army myself did I begin to learn the magnitude of courage and the gravity of sacrifice that the men and women of the generation before us summoned to go ashore in France and in all the theatres of war and to fight, suffer, and too often die for our country in a war that demanded honorable sacrifice by every living American, man, woman, and child.”

The invitation to Jack to speak in France on D-Day is almost certainly because of the books he has written, particularly his historical World War II trilogy French Letters, for which he won the Author of the Year Award and for which the final novel, Children of a Good War, was named best historical military fiction of 2018-2019. Click here to order the books.  Friends are encouraged to send messages to Jack at jack@jackwlondon.com.

For more information or an interview with Jack, please contact Marlena Brown (mlbpublicity@gmail.com).

Member Benefit Spotlight: Writers Education by Jim Tritten

Did you know a wealth of wisdom is posted on the MWSA website? Recordings of writer education webinars and presentations made by specialists willing to share their knowledge, all with information on how to draft your story in various genres—from memoirs to short stories to screenplays—provide plenty of food for thought. Let’s review where you can find these nuggets and how you can learn about upcoming virtual events sponsored by our organization.

First, recordings of previous events can be accessed on the MWSA website, usually within one day of the live event. On your computer or smartphone, navigate to  https://www.mwsadispatches.com/writers-education, where all is revealed. A link to this URL is also posted on the Facebook MWSA Public Page and in all announcements or invitations.

Currently, on the MWSA website, you can find five presentations by Greg Elliot, screenwriter/author/editor, that address story structure, emotion, and writing for big and small screens. Next is a four-part series by Dawn Brotherton, where she outlines the steps we all should take before drafting a book that we intend to submit to an agent, a publisher, or even to our reviewers. Dawn covers character traits, backstory, point of view, and punctuation (just in case you were not paying attention in High School English). Next, Ruth Crocker addresses Navigating Nonfiction, Jim Tritten has a presentation on Writing Short Stories, and Wendy Meyerhoff walks us through making websites winners.

Clicking the above link will take you to the library of past presentations. What about where to see the next live presentation? If you are a member of MWSA or follow the Facebook MWSA Public Page: https://www.facebook.com/MWSA.MembersPublic/, you should get an eBlast via the email we have in our database, or you should receive a Facebook Notification or invitation to the event. Here is an example of a Facebook posting for our next Writer Education event: https://www.facebook.com/events/1852762208497164/, on Saturday, June 15th, which is also Valdemarsdag—Danish Flag Day. Events are also posted on the MWSA website. Here is a link to the next event: https://www.mwsadispatches.com/events/2024/4/writing-for-screens-big-and-small-part-3

To attend a live event, click on the URL in any announcement or invitation. Right now, that URL is always https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2245629439?pwd=Sk92UXVZNzBpK1Z3NWd1TWtPcUM3UT09, but please check the most current notification to make sure it did not change. Once you click the link, your participation will be like any Zoom meeting. The moderator will mute everyone while the speaker is making the presentation. Questions or comments are best handled by putting them in chat, and they will be dealt with at the end of the presentation by the speaker or the moderator. Once the live event is completed, a link to watch it will be posted to the library, as explained above. Generally, all the slides or other materials used in the presentation are also posted.

Please take advantage of these informative events put on by your organization. Writers  Education is a great resource. If you have any suggestions about additional speakers (including yourself) or new topics, contact anyone on the board or, if you like, directly to me at jtritten121@comcast.net.

MWSA Writers Education Series: April 20--Mark your calendars!

A sneak preview from Greg Elliot:

Many of the ways we tell stories for the movies and television are similar to how we construct a tale for a novel, or a short story. One of the big differences is how we use dialogue.

MWSA Writers Education Series continues on Saturday, April 20, at 5:00 PM EST with Greg Elliot. In this installment, Greg will continue his presentation about screenwriting and writing for television.

The Zoom link is here: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/2245629439?pwd=Sk92UXVZNzBpK1Z3NWd1TWtPcUM3UT09 and is also in the graphic. We hope to see you there!

Bournemouth Writing Festival Writing Competition

The publisher of Dithering Chaps asked Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) to pass this offering on to our members.

Subject: Lines in the Sand

Writing Competition: Poetry up to 30 lines; Flash Fiction up to 400 words.

Deadline: Feb. 29, 2024

£5 per entry

Enter at www.bournemouthWritingFestival.co.uk

MWSA is not affiliated with this organization and suggests those considering involvement conduct their own research.

Armed Services Arts Partnership (ASAP) Call for Submissions

The Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) provides the following to members who may be interested in submitting to this program. This was brought to our attention by one of our MWSA members.

Call for Submissions: Prose, Poetry, and Visual Art

 Armed Services Arts Partnership (ASAP) is excited to launch a 2024 anthology with publisher Unleash Creatives. We seek authentic, compelling, and polished short stories, creative nonfiction, humor, poetry, photography, and visual art. 


Theme: Partnerships, The Untold Stories

Partners are an integral aspect of military life, at home and afar, during deployment and after homecoming. Partnerships drive military action and extend beyond being a battle buddy, wingman, or crew member. Some are planned while others arise entirely unexpectedly. Spouses, family, old or new friends, community, faith leaders, and medical specialists all support the military community. Despite their importance, the stories of these partnerships often go untold. This anthology aims to correct that: We will highlight the nuances, surprises, joy, sorrow, heroism, tears, healing power, and ache of partnerships. We invite you to submit the story about partnerships from your journey, so we can help tell it.


We are offering an Editors’ Choice Grand Prize of $500 and three genre prizes of $250 for winners in prose, poetry, and the visual arts. All finalists will be considered for publication. 


Deadline: March 1, 2024

Accepting submissions from U.S veterans, service members, military spouses, family members, and caregivers. Leave all identifying information off the submission itself. The first round will be judged anonymously. You can submit one submission per category. Reprints accepted if not published within the last year. The writer / artist must retain rights to their work.

Prose Submissions 

  • Maximum length is 2,000 words. 

  • Double-space, use a 12pt font, and add page numbers. 

  • Submit as a google doc or PDF. 

 Poetry Submissions

  • Use a 12pt font and add page numbers. 

  • Submit as a google doc or PDF. 

 Visual Art Submissions 

  • We welcome all types of visual art including photography, sculpture, textile, painting, drawing, etc. 

  • Submit a jpeg or png file at 300 dpi. 

 We abide by the CLMP Code of Ethics and pledge to conduct our contests as ethically as possible. Namely, submissions are read without identifying information and evaluated by at least two reviewers.


Contact programs@asapasap.org

Website: https://asapasap.org/event/anthology-submissions/

Submit Entry

Free eBooks and eMagazines with Libby

Do you like free books and magazines?

Use your military service—and your DoD ID (or local library card)—to get this valuable freebie.

  1. Go to https://libbyapp.com/ to set up your account, or download the Libby app from your device’s app store.

  2. Once you’re at their website or have downloaded the app, go to the Library section (icon with three horizontal lines at the bottom of the screen)

  3. Select or add the Department of Defense library and then “DoD MWR Libraries.”

  4. You’ll then go to an authentication section where you’ll enter your DoD ID number and date of birth (they may also ask for the last four of your SSN).

  5. Start borrowing!

If you don’t have a DoD ID, you can still set up an account by using your local library card, but this process may require a call to your local librarian to figure out their system. I had to call my library to figure out what my PIN was. My card uses the last four digits of my library card account number, but your card might be different.

Heck, it’s free and worth the effort.

Dispatches Magazine, Request for Quote (RFQ) September 2023

MWSA is seeking viable candidates for copyediting and layout services for the 2024 editions of Dispatches magazine. See the details below.

The Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) is soliciting price quotes for Dispatches magazine

Opening Date: 09/05/23 | Closing Date: 10/14/23

Scope of Work: Scope of Work: MWSA Dispatches Magazine: Copyediting, Layout, Design, Publication, Distribution, and Marketing Support.

Period of Performance: 10/16/2023 – 11/20/2024. This includes four issues of the magazine to be published: 04/15/2024, 07/15/2024, 10/15/2024, and 01/15/2024.

Option Years. At the Sole discretion of the MWSA Board of Directors, this contract may be extended for a total of not more than three option years. If an Option Year is exercised, it will include a maximum of a 2.5% inflation rate.

  •     Option Year 1: November 2024 – November 2025

  •     Option Year 2: November 2025 – November 2026

  •     Option Year 3: November 2026 – November 2027

 About MWSA

MWSA is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation to support military writers. The purposes of the organization are to help military service members, veterans, their families, supporters, and historians record history and the complexities of military life, and to encourage writing as therapy. The organization focuses on using the writing of MWSA members to educate the general public, students, and the military community.

Contract Performance Work Statement for MWSA Dispatches Magazine

This MWSA Request For Quote (RFQ) seeks a Price Quote and relevant experience qualifiers from knowledgeable individuals and businesses to become a compensated provider, working with MWSA volunteers to provide services to compile, format, edit, publish, and market MWSA 2024 Dispatches magazines. Specific services will include:

1.     Work with the MWSA Publication Chair/Editor-In-Chief and other volunteers to produce the MWSA quarterly Dispatches magazine.
2.     Produce magazine softcopy, providing copyediting and layout and design services
3.     Provide eMagazine layout and design
4.     Provide eBook layout and design (as needed)
5.     License and supply graphic content (as needed)
6.     Photo restoration (as needed)
7. High-resolution image conversion (as needed)
8.     Provide cover art design for MWSA approval.
9.     Supply complete versions for review and approval to MWSA Publications Chair
a.      PDF for print version
b.     PDF for eBook w/embedded cover version (as needed)
c.      PDF w/cover for eMagazine version
10.  Provide upload to the Print house for distribution.
a.      Amazon/KDP
b.     Ingram (as needed)
11.  After Publication Marketing
a.      Provide cover art jpgs of hi-res and web for MWSA IT/Social Media
b.     Supply designs, jpgs, pngs, PDFs as requested for marketing via IT/social media marketing
12.  Set up MWSA sales account through Print house.
a.      Ensure all sales royalties are paid directly to the MWSA Treasurer
b.     Ensure all ad royalties are paid directly to the MWSA Treasurer
c.      Ensure control by MWSA board over title (active or retired)
d.     Changes to document (as needed) in case of misprint or error
13.  Provide quarterly royalties statements to MWSA Treasurer as requested.
a.      Note: No royalty or administrative costs will be retained by the contractor. All proceeds from sales after print cost will be paid directly to MWSA. Contractor will provide documentation of such upon request.
14.  Offerors will provide all names of individuals who will support this effort. Updates to names shall be provided to the MWSA Publications Chair throughout the period of performance.
15.  This effort can be canceled at any time for the good of MWSA. Offerors may terminate after thirty days’ written notice.

Please provide Price Quote for this project including the following:

16. Examples of experience with similar projects in the past five years.

17. Two work reference points of contact (name, email, and phone number).

Email proposals to the MWSA Contacts listed below by 10/14/23.

MWSA Contact:

Gary Zelinski, MWSA Publications Chair. communications@mwsa.co

Cuddy Family Foundation for Veterans--Short Story & Poetry Journal submission

Click to visit website

From the Cuddy Foundation for Veterans website (not affiliated with MWSA):

Our foundation accepts original submissions from veterans, active duty personnel, and anyone who wishes to help us develop this creative outlet.

Purchases of our journals will directly benefit the missions of The Cuddy Family Foundation for Veterans! Moving forward, we will try to release poetry and short story journals twice a year.

Here are the submission deadlines for future journals:

August 30, 2023 - Volume Six

February 29, 2024 - Volume Seven

August 30, 2024 - Volume Eight


Submissions should be sent in the body of an email to this address: info@tcfffv.org

No attachments, please.

While we have not established a line or word count limit for submissions, please use discretion as we anticipate a large volume of entries for each quarterly edition.

All submissions should be original works that have not been previously published.

Please include your full name, mailing address, phone number, branch of service (if applicable), and any relevant social media or author links in the email with your poem(s). Poets are welcome to submit more than one poem per submission period.

Please include your full name, mailing address, phone number, branch of service (if applicable), and any relevant social media or author links in the email with your poem(s). Poets are welcome to submit more than one poem per submission period.

Many thanks to the organizations and individuals that have helped to spread the word about our poetry and short story journals to veterans and others!

Submit your article or ad for Dispatches magazine

Your Dispatches editorial staff has created a new section on our website to help MWSA members submit articles or advertisements for publication in our quarterly magazine.

In this new section of our website, you’ll find a

Click here to email our Dispatches staff with general inquiries or comments

July 2023 eBlast

Seeking Shutterbugs

Is there a photographer in the house? The MWSA Program Committee is seeking a volunteer photographer or two to capture moments of our upcoming Annual Membership Conference, and particularly our Awards Ceremony banquet. If you are willing and able, please contact president@mwsa.co.

The Conference Program

The countdown to the conference is on (56 days), with the first event being Sep. 14. If you have yet to register, please do so soon. The hotel is holding 30 rooms until August 26 (37 days away) or until the first thirty are booked. The program is online for you to check out along with the registration form. Please check the agenda online as changes do occur.

Do you think you know all about Benedict Arnold? You may be surprised by our guest presenter, Steve Manuel, the Director of the New London Historical Society, who may have new facts for you and will bring an artifact or two along for you to see.

Some time ago a movie about the slave ship "Amistad" was in theatres and a topic of discussion on television. Learn more about this event and its connection to New London from Henry Savin of the New London Maritime Museum.

Remembrance Ceremony

At approximately 3:15 PM after our Write Your Story workshop ends on Sep. 14, MWSA will hold a brief remembrance ceremony for longtime MWSA member Mike Mullins at his ceremonial brick on the walkway to the Submarine Force and Library museum. MWSA members and guests in New London are invited to attend. Additionally, those members familiar with Mike may write something to be read at the ceremony; Haiku, poem, short memory, or story, but please keep it under 200 words. For those wanting to share something, but will not be present, please forward your input to Valerie Ormond at vp@mwsa.co. If you will be attending and will have a camera with you, we would appreciate you taking some photos which we want to share on social media, our website, and in Dispatches.

Upcoming Writers Education Webinar - NEW DATE!

What: MWSA Writer’s Education Webinar Series Welcomes Greg Elliot

When: Aug. 3, 2023, 4PM EST

 Who: Greg Elliot. For fifteen years, Greg taught at UCLA for the Extension Writers’ Program and was the recipient of their Outstanding Instructor Award in Screenwriting in 2014. Elliot wrote for Star Trek: Voyager, for which he received a Sci-Fi Universe Award nomination. He was a Story Editor on the Warner Brother series Savannah and an Executive Story Editor on the WB series Charmed. Greg also wrote for the Disney Channel series In a Heartbeat. Professionally, Greg has edited short stories, novels, nonfiction books, brochures, how-to books, personal essays, and college papers.

 Greg will offer classes on story structure, broken into two parts. Part 1 was presented on May 20th. See it online on our website. Each class is 1.5 hours, and questions will be permitted at the end.

 Topic: Story Structure Part II: character development, tension, and conflict.

 Follow the Link Below:


Casting Call for Open Mic

We are looking for volunteers to step forward and participate in this  year’s Open Mic event which will be hosted by Sandra Linhart. Sing, read a short story of your own, tell jokes, dance, your choice.

MWSA has room for FIVE volunteers to fill the program, for FIVE-minute sessions, so don’t be shy. Please email jimwritespoetry@gmail.com to secure a spot.

2023 Book Awards Finalists

Click for the list of finalists on our 2023 season page.

MWSA normally announces its awards finalists in mid-August each year. However, 2023 has not been a normal year. In fact, it’s been a record-breaker, with 117 books submitted to our review and awards system!

Due to some amazing work by our volunteer reviewer force, not only have we been able to accept more books than ever before (over 40% more than in any prior season), we’ve also finished our evaluations almost a month earlier than normal.

For this reason, we’ve decided to announce our season finalists today.

Visit our 2023 season page to see the list.

Congratulations to this year’s finalists!