Youth In Asia by Allen Tiffany — Military Writers Society of America

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Youth In Asia by Allen Tiffany

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MWSA Review
A.L. Tiffany’s novella covering a short period of time in the jungles of Vietnam conveys a story of young men living in an environment where they age quickly. While the men are young in age, they soon learn they must make mature decisions or suffer deadly consequences. The author describes combat patrols with enough detail to place the reader in the scene and at the same time keep the story moving at a good pace. Readers get to know the characters through few words and empathize with the main character, a corporal leading a squad in combat based on his limited experience patrolling the demilitarized zone in Korea. Tiffany portrays young men involved in an unpopular conflict hoping to stay alive long enough to get back home. This story is highly recommended for a realistic glimpse into the lives of young American infantrymen fighting in Vietnam as told by a thoughtful soldier and storyteller.

Review by Valerie Ormond (February 2020)


Author's Synopsis

Corporal Jacobs came to the war in Vietnam in late 1967 from the DMZ in Korea. He was a smart, thoughtful young leader who would do anything to accomplish his mission and keep his men alive. Assigned to the bloodied 173rd Airborne Infantry Brigade recovering from their vicious battles around Dak To, the proud 173rd was refitting and filling with new troops. Little did the Brigade know that massive formations of North Vietnamese and Viet Cong soldiers were streaming toward them through the jungles and forests of the Central Highlands as they descended on coastal cities such as Hue and turned south toward Saigon in preparation for the brutal slaughter known as the Tet Offensive of 1968. One patrol, one night, one mistake, and Jacobs and his men will be on their own in a cataclysm of violence and confusion. Jacobs will find out if he is ready to lead men in combat, and for those of his team that survive, the price will be too high. This novel is really a thank you to the officers and men who trained me. Most were Vietnam veterans. So I have donated half of all revenue earned on this book to organizations that help our veterans and their families (such as the Wounded Warrior Project and the VFW Home for Children). So far, with a partial match from my employer, I have been able to donate about $2,500.

ISBN/ASIN: 1511453451 / B00V6WXVF2
Book Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle, Audiobook
Review Genre: Fiction—Historical Fiction
Number of Pages: 88