A Time To Remember; by V G Gallagher

Author's Synopsis:
A fast moving memoir full of adventure and romance, comedy and drama, history and nostalgia, as we meet a youth from Queens County, NYC, soldiering from the age of 15, facing the unknown in the Korean War in the early 1950s. Share his teen exploits looking down the barrel of a bandit’s handgun while tending the fountain in the local drugstore, on to escapades in the Army, and in private life as he advances from puppy love explorations to his love of a lifetime, all by the age of 20! He and his young bride forge ahead through adversity to success, through tears and laughter, to achieve the American Dream. Journey with them down their path of chance and uncertainty, now looking back and enjoying their triumphs and A Time to Remember. Inspirational and entertaining, it’s a story with universal appeal, something for everyone. This memoir may enchant you, humor you, or even bring a tear to your eyes. An entertaining read for anyone and a must for a veteran. The author says it like it was, using the vernacular of those forgotten times and events.