The Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) is conducting a "Writing Your Story Workshop" to assist veterans and their families by helping them write their stories. The event will be held at the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), Robert H. Johnson VA Medical Center, 109 Bee St., Charleston, SC, on Nov. 8, 2018 (9:45 a.m. - 2:45 p.m. Lunch will be provided). The workshop is geared to storytelling whether the student may be working on a novel, a memoir, a short story, or an article, both fiction and nonfiction.
MWSA Vice President Bob Doerr will be leading this workshop assisted by MWSA member Valerie Ormond. Karl Warner will also provide information on the U.S. Army Heritage and Education Center (USAHEC) Programs. MWSA welcomes all veterans, military, and family members at all levels of writing from beginners to seasoned writers. The VA Medical Center will determine final onsite class location closer to the venue. Information will be posted to this website or by calling (843) 789-7488.