Military Writers Society of America

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America's Amazing Airports by Penny Rafferty Hamilton

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Author's Synopsis: America’s Amazing Airports is easy-to-read for all ages. Packed with unique photographs about the “magic” at our airports outside and inside. A great introduction to aviation careers and a nationwide look at community airports. An easy to understand explanation of airport funding is included. Praise from aviation leaders. “Our home at one of the most recognized airports in the world – Oshkosh – shows the community and possibilities that local airports create. Any opportunity to share the story of legendary airports, such as in this book, is a pathway to engaging more people in the wonderful world of flight.” Jack J. Pelton, CEO/Chairman, Experimental Aircraft Association-EAA. “Airports, like airplanes, have personalities. Some are larger than life, others diminutive. But each precious airport is distinct. America's Amazing Airport gives us a look at what makes airports – a vital asset of this country – so unique and inspiring.” Ben Sclair, Publisher, General Aviation News.

Genre(s): Nonfiction, History, Young Adult

Format(s): Soft cover, Kindle

ISBN/ASIN: 978169923756